以下の記事を斜め読みしていたところ、フロベニウスも群行列式を聞いたこともなかったものの、デデキントより手紙をもらってから一か月せずして指標論を作り上げたようですw ぎゃふん。
Though already well versed in group theory, before 1896 Frobenius had never heard of the definition of the group determinant.
Working with almost feverish intensity, he invented in less than a month the general character theory of finite groups, and applied this new-found theory to solve the factorization problem for the group determinant.
The Theory of Group Characters and Matrix Representations of Groups (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
- 作者:Littlewood, Dudley E.
- 発売日: 2006/03/21
- メディア: ハードカバー