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fortran 可
modern fortran extension も使えます。
gfortran も terminal から sudo apt update/upgrade の後なら sudo apt install gfortran で Ver.9 が入ります。
$ gfortran --version GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0 Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. $ gfortran-10 --version GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 10.3.0-1ubuntu1~20.04) 10.3.0 Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
ソース プログラム
module uniplot implicit none private public :: fig_t type :: fig_t private integer :: nx, ny integer, allocatable :: array(:, :) contains procedure :: init procedure :: point procedure :: show procedure :: line0 procedure :: line end type fig_t contains subroutine init(fig, nx, ny) class(fig_t), intent(out) :: fig integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny fig%nx = nx fig%ny = ny allocate(fig%array(0:(nx+1)/2, 0:(ny+3)/4) ) end subroutine init subroutine point(fig, ix, iy) class(fig_t), intent(in out) :: fig integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy integer :: iax, iay iax = ix / 2 iay = iy / 4 ! clipping if (0<=ix .and. ix<fig%nx .and. 0<=iy .and. iy<fig%ny) then fig%array(iax, iay) = ior(fig%array(iax, iay), icode(mod(ix, 2), mod(iy, 4))) end if end subroutine point pure elemental integer function icode(kx, ky) integer, intent(in) :: kx, ky if (ky == 3) then icode = 64 + 64 * kx else ! 0, 1, 2 icode = 2**(ky + 3*kx) end if end function icode subroutine line0(fig, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1) class(fig_t), intent(in out) :: fig integer, intent(in) :: ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1 integer :: i, ix, iy, nx, ny real :: d nx = ix1 - ix0 ny = iy1 - iy0 if (nx == 0 .and. ny ==0) then call fig%point(ix, iy) else if (abs(nx) < abs(ny)) then d = nx / real(ny) do i = 0, abs(ny) ix = nint(ix0 + d * sign(i, ny)) iy = iy0 + sign(i, ny) call fig%point(ix, iy) end do else d = ny / real(nx) do i = 0, abs(nx) iy = nint(iy0 + d * sign(i, nx)) ix = ix0 + sign(i, nx) call fig%point(ix, iy) end do end if end subroutine line0 subroutine show(fig) class(fig_t), intent(in) :: fig integer :: iy do iy = 0, ubound(fig%array, 2) print '(*(a))', reverse_endian(shift_code(fig%array(:, iy))) end do end subroutine show pure elemental integer function shift_code(k) integer, intent(in) :: k integer, parameter :: n0 = Z'E2A080' !14852224 shift_code = n0 + 256 * (k /64) + mod(k, 64) !E2A180, E2A280, E2A380 end function shift_code pure elemental character(len = 4) function reverse_endian(i) integer, intent(in) :: i character:: tmp(4) tmp = transfer(i, ' ', size = 4) reverse_endian = transfer(tmp(4:1:-1), ' ') !array 4 to len 4 end function reverse_endian subroutine line(fig, x, y, ipen) class(fig_t), intent(in out) :: fig real, intent(in) :: x, y integer, intent(in) :: ipen integer, save :: ix0 = 0, iy0 = 0 integer :: ix, iy real, parameter :: xn = 80.0, yn = 100.0, fx = 1.0, fy = 0.85 ix = nint( fx * x + xn) iy = nint(-fy * y + yn) if (ipen == 1) call fig%line0(ix0, iy0, ix, iy) ix0 = ix iy0 = iy end subroutine line end module uniplot program uniplot_main implicit none real, allocatable :: x(:), y(:) integer, parameter :: n = 10**3 allocate(x(n), y(n)) call random_seed() call random_number(x) call random_number(y) plot: block use :: uniplot type(fig_t) :: fig1 integer :: i, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, k k = 100 print * print *, 'Monte Carlo: estimated pi =', 4.0 * count(x**2 + y**2 < 1.0) / n call fig1%init(k, k) ! draw box call fig1%line0(0, 0, k-1, 0) call fig1%line0(0, 0, 0, k-1) call fig1%line0(0, k-1, k-1, k-1) call fig1%line0(k-1, 0, k-1, k-1) ! draw 1/4 circle ix0 = 0 iy0 = 0 do ix1 = 0, k - 1 iy1 = k - 1 - int(sqrt(real((k-1)**2 - ix1**2))) call fig1%line0(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1) ix0 = ix1 iy0 = iy1 end do ! plot dots do i = 1, n call fig1%point(int(k * x(i)), int(k * y(i))) end do call fig1%show() end block plot end program uniplot_main