
fortran について書きます。

【メモ帳】U. Fano と G. Racah はいとこ同士

最近になって、今頃知ったことw (&昔のソース付け)

Giulio Racah, spectroscopy and group theoretical methods in physics

  •  U. Fano と G. Racah はいとこ同士

裕福なイタリア系ユダヤ人。Racah は E. Fermi と同期?

Following a visit to the National Bureau of Standards in 1954, Racah developed a great interest in the application of computers to theoretical spectroscopic analysis. During two years he developed additional programs (see ref. 57) to diagonalize matrices, comparing the resulting diagonalizations with experimental data and to compute line strengths.

Weizmann 研究所に建設せられた WEIZAC Computer は 一語 40bit の二進コンピュータで、スピードは IBM704 の約半分。対角化アルゴリズムは Jacoby-von Neumann method らしいが、多分いまでいうヤコビ法。

G. Racah. The use of the Weizac in theoretical spectroscopy, Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 8F 1 (1959).



 J. Backus がアセンブラやってらんないと FORTRAN を提案し IBM の公式になったのが 1954 年頃。当時 IBM の顧問をしていて、末期がんだった J. von Neumann は興味示さず。

FORTRAN Anecdotes, January-March 1984, pp. 59-64, vol. 6. CSDL | IEEE Computer Society

It is impossible to probe the beginnings of an event of the magnitude of FORTRAN without the name of John von Neumann. Cuthbert Hurd and John Backus have reasonably established that the FORTRAN project got a green light in about December 1953. At that time, von Neumann was a consultant to IBM and worked closely with Hurd, who had hired him. Daniel Leeson first suggested that von Neumann had attended a meeting at which FORTRAN was discussed. JAN and I asked Hurd whether or not von Neumann had any link to the FORTRAN project in its early stages and/or if he had even expressed his feelings about the need or importance for such a project. Hurd did remember an early meeting on the subject of language development which von Neumann attended, as had John Backus, Frank Beckman, and John Greenstadt, but he could remember no specifics on any aspect. On reflection, he thought that von Neumann had not been impressed.



From Mathematics to Generic Programming (English Edition)

From Mathematics to Generic Programming (English Edition)