Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019
まだベータテスト終了まで1か月くらい残っていますが、Initial Release が出ました。
Fortran 2008 and Fortran 2018 Feature Summary
The Intel® Fortran Compiler now supports all features from the Fortran 2008 standard. The Intel® Fortran Compiler also supports features from the proposed draft Fortran 2018 standard. Additional features will be supported in future releases. Features from the proposed Fortran 2018 standard supported by the current version include:
- Assumed type (TYPE(*))
- Assumed rank (DIMENSION(..))
- Relaxed restrictions on interoperable dummy arguments
- C include file ISO_Fortran_binding.h for use by C code manipulating “C descriptors” used by Fortran
- Coarray events
- Intrinsic function coshape
- Default accessibility for entities accessed from a module
- Import Enhancements
- All standard procedures in ISO_C_BINDING other than -C_F_POINTER are now PURE
32bit には早く去って欲しいが、Fortran 的には Integer と real の語長一致の掟に抵触する・・・
Phi は要らない子!
Support Removed
Rogue Wave* IMSL* is no longer available directly from Intel
Rogue Wave* IMSL* Fortran Numerical Library is no longer available directly from Intel. It can be obtained directly from Rogue Wave* or Rogue Wave* resellers.
Microsoft Windows 8.x* is not supported
Microsoft Windows 8.x* is not supported with Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019.
IA-32 host installation is not supported
Support for installation on IA-32 hosts was removed in Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2018.
Intel® Xeon Phi™ x100 product family coprocessor (formerly code name Knights Corner) is not supported
The Intel® Xeon Phi™ x100 product family coprocessor (formerly code name Knights Corner) was officially announced end of life in January 2017. As part of the end of life process, the support for this family will only be available in the Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017 version. Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2017 will be supported for a period of 3 years ending in January 2020 for the Intel® Xeon Phi™ x100 product family. Support will be provided for those customers with active support.