
fortran について書きます。

メモ帳 Fortran 規格まとめ 続き


Martin N. Greenfield, History of FORTRAN standardization (1982)
History of FORTRAN standardization

FORTRAN66 規格制定時の経緯に詳しい。プログラム言語の規格化という初めての挑戦の苦労、方言の乱立する言語の規格化という事情、IBM 社の FORTRAN IV を基本に据えたものの IBM 社内にも FORTRAN の規格・定義がなかったこと、メタ言語による記述をあきらめて英語で記述することにしたこと、それまでの ASA 規格にない長大な規格文書になったために審査に1年以上かかったこと、定義に注意を払ったにもかかわらず曖昧さの指摘が多く寄せられて、それらの解釈を定めるに至ったことなど。

また FORTRAN77 では 1971年頃には規格がまとまると考えていたのが伸びたこと、構造化命令が BLOCK IF 文だけになった経緯、曖昧さが多かった 66 規格の反省から明瞭な規格とするために文書が肥大したこと等、さらに Fortran8x 規格の初期構想(クリーンなコア言語+モジュールによる過去互換等)にも触れられている。


W. P. Heising, History and summary of FORTRAN standardization development for the ASA
History and summary of FORTRAN standardization development for the ASA
S. Gorn, FORTRAN vs. Basic FORTRAN: a programming language for informational processing on automatic data processing systems


Clarification of Fortran standards—initial progress (1969)
Clarification of Fortran standards—initial progress

In 1966, after four years of effort, FORTRAN became the first programming language standardized in the United States. Since that intital achievement, study and application of the standard specifications have revealed the need for maintenance of the standards. As the result of work intiated in 1967, as initial set of clarifying interpretations has been prepared. The nature of the maintenance, corrections to the standard specifications, and completed interpretations are reported.

Clarification of Fortran standards—second report (1971)
Clarification of Fortran standards—second report

In 1966, after four years of effort, Fortran became the first programming language standardized in the United States. Since that initial achievement, study and application of the standard specifications have revealed the need for maintenance of the standards. As the result of work initiated in 1967, an initial set of clarifying interpretations was prepared and this clarification was published in Communications of the ACM in May 1969. That work has continued and has resulted in the preparation of this second set of clarifying interpretations. The nature of the maintenance and the new set of corrections to and interpretations of the standard specifications are reported.


Walt Brainerd, Fortran 77 (1978)
Fortran 77

There is a new standard Fortran. The official title is “American National Standard Programming Language Fortran, X3.9-1978,” but it is more commonly referred to as “Fortran 77,” since its development was completed in 1977. It replaces the Fortran standard designated X3.9-1966. This paper describes many of the features of Fortran 77 and also provides some information about how and why the standard was developed.

Fortran90 紹介

JeanneAdams, Fortran forum year (1985)
Fortran forum year - ScienceDirect

The ANSI Fortran Standards Committee, X3J3, is now completing a Fortran Forums Program that began in April, 1984 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The program was initiated to solicit user
input on the draft revision of the Fortran Language currently nearing completion and to explain some of the less commonly understood features proposed in a questionnaire distributed.

Fortran8x の構想スケッチmp提示、取り入れる機能へのアンケートなどがなされています。

Jeanne Adams and Walt Brainerd, Fortran 8x, the draft Fortran standard revision (1988)

Fortran 8x, the draft Fortran standard revision - ScienceDirect

The Fortran 8x draft standard, as forwarded to X3 for further processing as an American National Standard, is summarized. A way to evolve Fortran as a modern language now and into the future is described.

W.S.Brainerd, The programming language standards scene, ten years on Paper 5: Fortran (1994)

The programming language standards scene, ten years on Paper 5: Fortran - ScienceDirect

This paper, one of a simultaneously published set on ten years of activity in programming language standards describes the developments in standardization of the programming language Fortran which have taken place in the period 1983–1993.

Jeanne Adams and Walt Brainerd, A little history and a Fortran 90 summary (1996)

A little history and a Fortran 90 summary - ScienceDirect

Some of the history of the development of the Fortran language is presented, from a de facto standard early in the 1950s at IBM to the major revision that Fortran 90 represents. The article concludes with a short description of the major features of the language.