Raspberry PI で BMP→AA プログラムを実行してみました。gfortran と intel fortran の違いから若干の修正が必要でした。
実行結果 竹達さん
必要な font8x8.bmp 画像。はてなで jpg に変換されてしまうので、ダウンロードした後ペイント等で bmp に変換して save する必要があります。
module m_bmp implicit none type :: t_bmp_file_header sequence !integer(2) :: bfType = transfer('BM', 0_2, 1) ! BitMap character(len = 2) :: bfType = 'BM' integer(4) :: bfSize ! file size in bytes integer(2) :: bfReserved1 = 0 ! always 0 integer(2) :: bfReserved2 = 0 ! always 0 integer(4) :: bfOffBits end type t_bmp_file_header ! type :: t_bmp_info_header sequence integer(4) :: biSize = Z'28' ! size of bmp_info_header ; 40bytes integer(4) :: biWidth integer(4) :: biHeight integer(2) :: biPlanes = 1 ! always 1 integer(2) :: biBitCount integer(4) :: biCompression = 0 ! 0:nocompression, 1:8bitRLE, 2:4bitRLE, 3:bitfield integer(4) :: biSizeImage integer(4) :: biXPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi integer(4) :: biYPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi integer(4) :: biClrUsed = 0 integer(4) :: biClrImportant = 0 end type t_bmp_info_header type :: t_rgb sequence character :: r, g, b end type t_rgb type :: t_bmp type(t_rgb), allocatable :: rgb(:, :) contains procedure :: rd => rd_bmp end type contains subroutine rd_bmp(bmp, fn) class(t_bmp), intent(out) :: bmp character(len = *), intent(in) :: fn type(t_bmp_file_header) :: bmp_file_header type(t_bmp_info_header) :: bmp_info_header open(9, file = fn//'.bmp', access = 'stream', status = 'unknown') read(9) bmp_file_header, bmp_info_header allocate( bmp%rgb(bmp_info_header%biWidth, bmp_info_header%biHeight) ) read(9) bmp%rgb close(9) return end subroutine rd_bmp end module m_bmp
module m_font use m_bmp implicit none integer, parameter :: mx = 8, my = 8 character(len = *), parameter :: font_name = 'font8x8' type :: t_bmp_array type(t_bmp), allocatable :: bmp(:, :) end type t_bmp_array contains subroutine rd_font(font) type(t_bmp_array), intent(out) :: font call rd_and_chop(font, font_name) return end subroutine rd_font subroutine rd_and_chop(pic, fn) type(t_bmp_array), intent(out) :: pic character(len = *), intent(in) :: fn type(t_bmp) :: bmp integer :: ix, iy, kx, ky call bmp%rd(fn) associate(nx => size(bmp%rgb, 1) / mx, ny => size(bmp%rgb, 2) / my) allocate(pic%bmp(nx, ny)) do ix = 1, nx do iy = 1, ny kx = (ix - 1) * mx + 1 ky = (iy - 1) * my + 1 pic%bmp(ix, iy)%rgb = bmp%rgb(kx:kx + mx - 1, ky:ky + my - 1) end do end do end associate return end subroutine rd_and_chop pure elemental character function to_aa(ft, font) type(t_bmp ), intent(in) :: ft type(t_bmp_array), intent(in) :: font to_aa = char_font( minloc( distance(ft, font%bmp) ) ) ! find min. from font-array return contains pure elemental integer function distance(ft1, ft0) type(t_bmp), intent(in) :: ft1, ft0 real, parameter :: f = 1.16 ! f empirical parameter 1.0~2.5 distance = sum( ( (iachar(ft1%rgb%r) + iachar(ft1%rgb%g) + iachar(ft1%rgb%b) ) & - f * (iachar(ft0%rgb%r) + iachar(ft0%rgb%g) + iachar(ft0%rgb%b) ) )**2 ) return end function distance pure character function char_font(ipos) integer, intent(in) :: ipos(2) associate(nx => size(font%bmp, 1), ny => size(font%bmp, 2)) char_font = achar( ipos(1) + (ny - ipos(2)) * nx - 1 + x'20' ) end associate return end function char_font end function to_aa end module m_font
program BMP_to_AA use m_font implicit none character, allocatable :: aa(:, :) ! make ASCII ART block type(t_bmp_array) :: font, pic call rd_font(font) call rd_and_chop(pic, 'tktt') aa = to_aa(pic%bmp, font) end block ! output to console block integer :: iy do iy = size(aa, 2), 1, -1 print '(*(g0))', aa(:, iy) end do end block stop end program BMP_to_AA