
fortran について書きます。


昔懐かしい XY-plotter 方式(ペンアップ・ペンダウン・直線移動)で作図するようにすれば、デバイスによらないで共通の絵が描けるはずです。


Win32 (終点を描かないという仕様になっているようです。)







未完成 メモ帳w HTML5 canvas

module uho_win
  use ifwina
  use ifwinty
  use ifmt, only : RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION
  implicit none
  public :: lpCriticalSection, Thread_Proc, wnd
  type (RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION) :: lpCriticalSection
  type :: t_wnd_win
    integer (HANDLE) :: hWnd
    integer (HANDLE) :: hDC
    integer (LPINT)  :: hThread
    integer (LPDWORD):: id
    integer (HANDLE) :: hPen
  end type t_wnd_win
  type, extends(t_wnd_win) :: t_wnd                  ! F2003
    character (LEN = 80) :: title = 'Fortran Plot'
    integer         :: nsize_x = 320, nsize_y = 240  
    real            :: xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0, ymin = 0.0, ymax = 1.0   
  end type t_wnd
  type (t_wnd), save :: wnd ! global variable
  integer(4) function WinMain( hInstance, nCmdShow )
    implicit none
    integer (HANDLE), intent(in) :: hInstance 
    integer (SINT)  , intent(in) :: nCmdShow
    type (T_WNDCLASS) :: wc
    type (T_MSG)      :: mesg
    integer (HANDLE)  :: hWndMain
    integer (BOOL)    :: iretb
    character (LEN = 256) :: ClassName = 'Fortran'//char(0)
    integer :: iwindow_frame_x, iwindow_frame_y 
    ! Init Main window
    iwindow_frame_x = 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME) !side line = 6, title bar = 25
    iwindow_frame_y = 2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)
    WinMain = -1 ! Error code 
    wc%lpszClassName =  loc(ClassName)     ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC(xxx) = TRANSFER(C_LOC(xxx), iii)
    wc%lpfnWndProc   =  loc(MainWndProc)   ! CALLBACK procedure name
    wc%style        = ior(CS_VREDRAW , CS_HREDRAW)
    wc%hInstance     = hInstance
    wc%hIcon        = NULL   
    wc%hCursor      = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW )
    wc%hbrBackground = ( COLOR_WINDOW + 1 )
    if ( RegisterClass(wc) == 0 ) return    ! initialize window
    ! Init instance
    WinMain = -2 ! Error code 
    hWndMain = CreateWindowEx(  0, ClassName,                        &
                                trim(wnd%title)//char(0),           &
                                int(ior(WS_OVERLAPPED, WS_SYSMENU)), &
                                CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,       &
                                wnd%nsize_x + iwindow_frame_x,      &
                                wnd%nsize_y + iwindow_frame_y,      &
                                0, 0,                            &
                                hInstance,                        &
                                NULL                           ) 
    if (hWndMain == 0) return
    iretb = ShowWindow( hWndMain, nCmdShow )
    iretb = UpdateWindow( hWndMain )
    ! Message Loop
    do while ( GetMessage (mesg, NULL, 0, 0) ) 
      iretb = TranslateMessage( mesg ) 
      iretb = DispatchMessage(  mesg )
    end do
    WinMain = mesg%wParam
  end function WinMain
  integer (LRESULT) function MainWndProc( hWnd, mesg, wParam, lParam ) 
  !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES STDcall, DECORATE, ALIAS : 'MainWndProc' :: MainWndProc
    implicit none
    integer (HANDLE) , intent(in) :: hWnd
    integer (UINT)   , intent(in) :: mesg
    integer (fwParam), intent(in) :: wParam
    integer (flParam), intent(in) :: lParam
    integer (HANDLE) :: hDC, hBmp
    integer (BOOL)   :: iretb
    type (T_PAINTSTRUCT) :: ps
    type (T_RECT)       :: rc
    MainWndProc = 0
    select case ( mesg )
      case (WM_CREATE)
       wnd%hWnd = hWnd
       hDC      = GetDC(hWnd)
       wnd%hDC  = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC)
       iretb    = GetClientRect(hWnd, rc)
       hBmp     = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, rc%right - rc%left, rc%bottom - rc%top)
       iretb    = SelectObject(wnd%hDC, hBmp)
       iretb    = PatBlt(wnd%hDC, 0, 0, rc%right - rc%left, rc%bottom - rc%top, WHITENESS)
       iretb    = ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC)
       iretb    = DeleteObject(hBmp)
     case (WM_DESTROY)
       iretb = DeleteObject( wnd%hDC )
       call PostQuitMessage( 0 )
     case (WM_PAINT)
       call EnterCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) )
       hDC    = BeginPaint(    wnd%hWnd, ps )
       iretb  = GetClientRect( wnd%hWnd, rc )
       iretb  = BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, rc%right - rc%left, rc%bottom - rc%top, wnd%hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)
       iretb  = endPaint( wnd%hWnd, ps )
       call LeaveCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) )
     case (WM_RBUTTONUP)
       iretb = DeleteObject( wnd%hDC )
       call PostQuitMessage( 0 )
     case default
       MainWndProc = DefWindowProc( hWnd, mesg, wParam, lParam )
    end select 
  end function MainWndProc
  integer (LONG) function Thread_Proc(lp_ThreadParameter)
  !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES STDcall, ALIAS:"_thread_proc" :: Thread_Proc
    integer (LPINT), intent(in) :: lp_ThreadParameter
    integer :: hInst
    hInst       = GetModuleHandle(NULL)
    Thread_Proc = WinMain(hInst, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
  end function Thread_Proc
end module uho_win
module uhoplot
  use ifwina
  use ifwinty
  use uho_win
  implicit none
  public :: wnd
  public :: gr_on, gr_off, gr_show, gr_pen, gr_move, gr_line, irgb
  subroutine gr_on(text, nx, ny)
    use IFMT, only : CreateThread ! multithread module
    character (LEN = *), intent(in), optional :: text
    integer           , intent(in), optional :: nx, ny
    integer (BOOL)    :: iretb
    integer (HANDLE)  :: hBmp
    type (T_RECT)    :: rc
    if ( present(text) ) wnd%title   = TRIM(text)
    if ( present(nx)   ) wnd%nsize_x = nx
    if ( present(ny)   ) wnd%nsize_y = ny
    call InitializeCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
    wnd%hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread_Proc, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, wnd%id) 
    iretb      = SetThreadPriority(wnd%hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL)
    iretb      = ResumeThread(wnd%hThread)
    call sleep(100) ! wait for Window initialization 
    iretb = GetClientRect(wnd%hWnd, rc)
    hBmp  = CreateCompatibleBitmap(wnd%hDC, rc%right - rc%left, rc%bottom - rc%top)
    iretb = SelectObject(wnd%hDC, hBmp)
    iretb = DeleteObject(hBmp)
    iretb = PatBlt(wnd%hDC, 0, 0, rc%right - rc%left, rc%bottom - rc%top, WHITENESS)
    wnd%hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, 0)
  end subroutine gr_on
  subroutine gr_off(isec)
    integer (DWORD), intent(in), optional :: isec 
    integer (BOOL)  :: iretb
    integer (DWORD) :: iwait
    if (present(isec)) THEN
      iwait = isec * 1000
      iwait = INFINITE
    end if 
    call gr_show() 
    iretb = DeleteObject(wnd%hPen) 
    iretb = WaitForSingleObject(wnd%hThread, iwait)
    iretb = CloseHandle(wnd%hThread)
    iretb = PostMessage(wnd%hWnd, WM_DESTROY, NULL, NULL)
    wnd%hThread = NULL
    call DeleteCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
  end subroutine gr_off
  subroutine gr_show()
    integer (BOOL):: iretb
    call EnterCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
    iretb = InvalidateRect(wnd%hWnd, NULL, FALSE)
    call LeaveCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
  end subroutine gr_show
  subroutine gr_pen(icol, iwidth)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: icol, iwidth
    integer :: jcol, jwidth
    integer (BOOL) :: iretb
    jcol = 0 ! irgb(0, 0, 0)
    jwidth = 1 ! line width 1 dot 
    if ( present(icol) ) jcol = icol
    if ( present(iwidth) ) jwidth = iwidth
    call EnterCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
    iretb    = DeleteObject(wnd%hPen) 
    wnd%hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, jwidth, jcol)
    iretb    = SelectObject(wnd%hDC, wnd%hPen)
    call LeaveCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
  end subroutine gr_pen
  integer function irgb(ir, ig, ib)
    integer, intent(in) :: ir, ig, ib
    irgb = ir + (ig + (ib * 256)) * 256
  end function irgb
  subroutine gr_move(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    integer (BOOL):: iretb
    call EnterCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
    iretb = MoveToEx(wnd%hDC, ix, iy, NULL)
    call LeaveCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
  end subroutine gr_move
  subroutine gr_line(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    integer (BOOL):: iretb
    call EnterCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
    iretb = LineTo(wnd%hDC, ix, iy)
    call LeaveCriticalSection( loc(lpCriticalSection) ) ! non-standard Fortran :: LOC
  end subroutine gr_line
 end module uhoplot
module uhoHTML5
  use uho_win
  implicit none
!  private
!  public :: gr_on, gr_off, gr_show, gr_pen, gr_move, gr_line, irgb
  integer :: iw = 9
  subroutine html_on(text, nx, ny)
    character (LEN = *), intent(in), optional :: text
    integer           , intent(in), optional :: nx, ny
    if ( present(text) ) wnd%title   = TRIM(text)
    if ( present(nx)   ) wnd%nsize_x = nx
    if ( present(ny)   ) wnd%nsize_y = ny
    open(iw, file = 'uhoHTML5.html')
    write(iw, '(a)') '<!DOCTYPE html>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '<html>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '<head>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '<meta charset="Shift_JIS">'
    write(iw, '(3a)') '<title>', trim(wnd%title), '</title>'
    write(iw, '(a)')  '<script type="text/javascript">'
    write(iw, '(a)') '<!--'
    write(iw, '(a)') 'function plotter() {'
    write(iw, '(a)') "var canvas = document.getElementById('figure1');"
    write(iw, '(a)') "var context = canvas.getContext('2d');"
    write(iw, '(a)') '//'
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.scale(1, 1);'
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.lineWidth = 1;'
    write(iw, '(a)') "context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)';"
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.lineCap = "butt";'
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.beginPath();'

  end subroutine html_on
  subroutine html_off()
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.stroke();'
    write(iw, '(a)') '}'
    write(iw, '(a)') '//-->'
    write(iw, '(a)') '</script>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '</head>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '<body onLoad="plotter()">'
    write(iw, '(a, i6, a, i6, a)') '<canvas id="figure1" width="', wnd%nsize_x, '" height="', wnd%nsize_y, '">>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '</canvas>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '</body>'
    write(iw, '(a)') '</html>' 
  end subroutine html_off
  subroutine html_show()
  end subroutine html_show
  subroutine html_pen(icol, iwidth)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: icol, iwidth
    integer :: jcol, jwidth
    jcol = 0 ! irgb(0, 0, 0)
    jwidth = 1 ! line width 1 dot 
    if ( present(icol) ) jcol = icol
    if ( present(iwidth) ) jwidth = iwidth
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.stroke();'
    write(iw, '(a, 3(i3, a))') "context.strokeStyle = 'rgb(", mod(jcol, 256), ',', mod(jcol / 256, 256), ',', mod(jcol / 256**2, 256), ")';"
    write(iw, '(a,  i5, a)') 'context.lineWidth =', jwidth, ';'
    write(iw, '(a)') 'context.beginPath();'
  end subroutine html_pen
  subroutine html_move(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    write(iw, '(a, i10, a, i10, a)') 'context.moveTo(', ix, ',', iy, ');'
  end subroutine html_move
  subroutine html_line(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    write(iw, '(a, i10, a, i10, a)') 'context.lineTo(', ix, ',', iy, ');'
  end subroutine html_line
  end module uhoHTML5
 module plotter
  use uhoplot
  use uhoHTML5
  implicit none
  public :: gr_on, gr_off, gr_pen, gr_line, irgb
  public :: move, move_rel, draw, draw_rel
  public :: init_fonts, draw_font, num, alpha1, alpha2, greek1, greek2, mark
  integer, save :: ixpen = 0, iypen = 0
  integer, parameter :: UP = 1, DOWN = 0
  type :: t_xyp
    integer :: ix, iy, ipen
  end type t_xyp
  type :: t_font 
    type (t_xyp), allocatable :: pen(:)
  end type t_font
  type (t_font) :: num(0:9), mark(20)
  type (t_font) :: alpha1(26), alpha2(26), greek1(26), greek2(26)
  subroutine init_fonts()
  ! mark
  ! .
   allocate( mark(1)%pen(5) )
   associate( p => mark(1)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
   end associate
  ! ,
   allocate( mark(2)%pen(6) )
   associate( p => mark(2)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 0, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 2, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! %
   allocate( mark(3)%pen(12) )
   associate( p => mark(3)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 2, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 4, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-3, 1, UP )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
     p(7) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
     p(8) = t_xyp( 2,-4, UP )
     p(9) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(10) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(11) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
     p(12) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
     end associate  
  ! *
   allocate( mark(4)%pen(6) )
   associate( p => mark(4)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 7, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4,-4, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, UP )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 4, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 1, UP )
     p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-6, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! /
   allocate( mark(5)%pen(2) )
   associate( p => mark(5)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 2, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 6, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! +
   allocate( mark(6)%pen(4) )
   associate( p => mark(6)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 3, UP )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-6, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! -- minus
   allocate( mark(7)%pen(2) )
   associate( p => mark(7)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! -  hyphen
   allocate( mark(8)%pen(2) )
   associate( p => mark(8)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 5, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! =
   allocate( mark(9)%pen(4) )
   associate( p => mark(9)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 6, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-4,-2, UP )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! ~
   allocate( mark(10)%pen(6) )
   associate( p => mark(10)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 5, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
   end associate  
  ! (
   allocate( mark(11)%pen(6) )
   associate( p => mark(11)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 4, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-2, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
   end associate    
 ! )
   allocate( mark(12)%pen(6) )
   associate( p => mark(12)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-2, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
   end associate  
 ! {
   allocate( mark(13)%pen(9) )
   associate( p => mark(13)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(9) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
   end associate    
 ! }
   allocate( mark(14)%pen(9) )
   associate( p => mark(14)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
     p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
     p(8) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
     p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
   end associate    
 ! [
   allocate( mark(15)%pen(4) )
   associate( p => mark(15)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
   end associate    
 ! ]
   allocate( mark(16)%pen(4) )
   associate( p => mark(16)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
     p(4) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
   end associate
 ! '
   allocate( mark(17)%pen(2) )
   associate( p => mark(17)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
   end associate     
 ! "
   allocate( mark(18)%pen(4) )
   associate( p => mark(18)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 9, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
     p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 3, DOWN )
   end associate     
 ! ^
   allocate( mark(19)%pen(3) )
   associate( p => mark(19)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 7, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
     p(3) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
   end associate 
 ! \
   allocate( mark(20)%pen(2) )
   associate( p => mark(20)%pen ) ! F2003
     p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 2, UP )
     p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 6, DOWN )
   end associate  

! num  ! 0
    allocate( num(0)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => num(0)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 8, DOWN )
    end associate
  ! 1
    allocate( num(1)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => num(1)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp(  1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(  4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( -2, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(  0, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( -2,-4, DOWN )
    end associate
  ! 2
    allocate( num(2)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => num(2)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
    end associate
  ! 3
    allocate( num(3)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => num(3)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN ) 
    end associate
  ! 4
    allocate( num(4)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => num(4)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 4, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 6, 0, DOWN )
    end associate
  ! 5
    allocate( num(5)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => num(5)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate
  ! 6
    allocate( num(6)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => num(6)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
  ! 7
    allocate( num(7)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => num(7)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-6, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
  ! 8
    allocate( num(8)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => num(8)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
  ! 9
    allocate( num(9)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => num(9)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate     
! Greek
! alpha
    allocate( greek2(1)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek2(1)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-6, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-1, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 3, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2,-5, DOWN )
    end associate    
! beta
    allocate( greek2(2)%pen(13) )
    associate( p => greek2(2)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2, 0, UP )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(13) = t_xyp(-2, 1, DOWN )
    end associate    
! gamma
    allocate( greek2(3)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => greek2(3)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-4, DOWN  )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2, 4, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
    end associate    
! delta
    allocate( greek2(4)%pen(11) )
    associate( p => greek2(4)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
    end associate    
! epsilon
    allocate( greek2(5)%pen(13) )
    associate( p => greek2(5)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate    
! zeta
    allocate( greek2(6)%pen(12) )
    associate( p => greek2(6)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-3, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
! eta
    allocate( greek2(7)%pen(12) )
    associate( p => greek2(7)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-1,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-2,-6, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate        
! theta
    allocate( greek2(8)%pen(11) )
    associate( p => greek2(8)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 4, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-2,-6, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2, 6, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-4, UP )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate        
! iota
    allocate( greek2(9)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek2(9)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate        
! kappa
    allocate( greek2(10)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek2(10)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 2, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2,-2, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
    end associate        
! lambda
    allocate( greek2(11)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => greek2(11)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-3, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
    end associate        
! mu
    allocate( greek2(12)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek2(12)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0,-1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 6, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-3, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 3, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-3, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
    end associate        
! nu
    allocate( greek2(13)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek2(13)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 3, 3, DOWN )
    end associate        
! xi
    allocate( greek2(14)%pen(15) )
    associate( p => greek2(14)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2, 0, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-3, 0, UP )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(14) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(15) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
! omicron
    allocate( greek2(15)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek2(15)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 2, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 3, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-3, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
    end associate
! pi
    allocate( greek2(16)%pen(10) )
    associate( p => greek2(16)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4,-1, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 3, 5, UP )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
    end associate          
! rho
    allocate( greek2(17)%pen(10) )
    associate( p => greek2(17)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1, 2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate          
! sigma
    allocate( greek2(18)%pen(11) )
    associate( p => greek2(18)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 6, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
    end associate
! tau
    allocate( greek2(19)%pen(9) )
    associate( p => greek2(19)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-1, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-3, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate
! upsilon
    allocate( greek2(20)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => greek2(20)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
    end associate
! phi
    allocate( greek2(21)%pen(11) )
    associate( p => greek2(21)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 4, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0, 2, UP )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-2,-8, DOWN )
    end associate
! varphi
    allocate( greek2(22)%pen(10) )
    associate( p => greek2(22)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-1, 0, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-2,-6, DOWN )
    end associate
! chi/xi
    allocate( greek2(23)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek2(23)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1, 6, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-3,-6, DOWN )
    end associate
! psi
    allocate( greek2(24)%pen(9) )
    associate( p => greek2(24)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-1, 2, UP )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-2,-8, DOWN )
    end associate
! omega
    allocate( greek2(25)%pen(11) )
    associate( p => greek2(25)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 6, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-2, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1, 0, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(1, 2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-1, 2, DOWN )
    end associate    
! ALPHA    
    allocate( greek1(1)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek1(1)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 3, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-1, 3, UP )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
! BETA    
    allocate( greek1(2)%pen(12) )
    associate( p => greek1(2)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-3, 0, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(3)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(3)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 5, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(4)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(4)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 3, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-6, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(5)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => greek1(5)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 6, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-5, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 5, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-5,-4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate      
    allocate( greek1(6)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(6)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 6, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-5, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 5, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-5, 0, DOWN )
    end associate       
 ! ETA
    allocate( greek1(7)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => greek1(7)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 5, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-5, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(8)%pen(15) )
    associate( p => greek1(8)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(0,-2, UP )
      p(11) = t_xyp(0,-4, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp(2, 0, UP )
      p(13) = t_xyp(0, 4, DOWN )
      p(14) = t_xyp(0,-2, UP )
      p(15) = t_xyp(-2,0, DOWN )
    end associate
    allocate( greek1(9)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => greek1(9)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-8, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(10)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => greek1(10)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-8, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 4, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(11)%pen(3) )
    associate( p => greek1(11)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 3, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3,-8, DOWN )
    end associate    
! MU
    allocate( greek1(12)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek1(12)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 3, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
    end associate    
! NU
    allocate( greek1(13)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(13)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
    end associate    
! XI
    allocate( greek1(14)%pen(14) )
    associate( p => greek1(14)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 6, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-6, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-6, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 1, 4, UP )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp( 0, 1, UP )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 0, 1, UP )
      p(14) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(15)%pen(9) )
    associate( p => greek1(15)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
    end associate
 ! PI
    allocate( greek1(16)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => greek1(16)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 6, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-5, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
    end associate
    allocate( greek1(17)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => greek1(17)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 0, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate
    allocate( greek1(18)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek1(18)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 6, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-6, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 6, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(19)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(19)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 6, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-3, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(20)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => greek1(20)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 3,-3, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3, 3, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-3,-3, UP )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-5, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(21)%pen(13) )
    associate( p => greek1(21)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-2, 1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 0, 2, UP )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 0,-9, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(22)%pen(13) )
    associate( p => greek1(22)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-1,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2,-1, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 1, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp(-1, 1, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-2, 1, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 0, 2, UP )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 0,-9, DOWN )
    end associate    
! XI
    allocate( greek1(23)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => greek1(23)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4,-8, DOWN )
    end associate    
    allocate( greek1(24)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => greek1(24)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 3, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-3, 0, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
     end associate    
    allocate( greek1(25)%pen(14) )
    associate( p => greek1(25)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(11) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(12) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(13) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(14) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
     end associate    
! A
    allocate( alpha1(1)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha1(1)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 3, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
  ! B
    allocate( alpha1(2)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => alpha1(2)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-3, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate    
  ! C
    allocate( alpha1(3)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(3)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 3, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
    end associate          
  ! D
    allocate( alpha1(4)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha1(4)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
    end associate  
  ! E
    allocate( alpha1(5)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(5)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4,-4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate              
  ! F
    allocate( alpha1(6)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(6)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, UP )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate              
 ! G
    allocate( alpha1(7)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => alpha1(7)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
    end associate              
  ! H
    allocate( alpha1(8)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(8)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-4, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
    end associate              
  !  I 
    allocate( alpha1(9)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(9)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate              
  ! J
    allocate( alpha1(10)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha1(10)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp(  1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(  0, 2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(  0,-2, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(  3, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(  0, 8, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( -2, 0, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp(  4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate           
  ! K
    allocate( alpha1(11)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha1(11)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4,-4, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! L
    allocate( alpha1(12)%pen(3) )
    associate( p => alpha1(12)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! M
    allocate( alpha1(13)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha1(13)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! N
    allocate( alpha1(14)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => alpha1(14)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! O
    allocate( alpha1(15)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha1(15)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! P
    allocate( alpha1(16)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(16)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! Q
    allocate( alpha1(17)%pen(9) )
    associate( p => alpha1(17)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 3, 0, UP )
      p(9) = t_xyp(-3, 3, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! R
    allocate( alpha1(18)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => alpha1(18)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 2, 0, UP )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! S
    allocate( alpha1(19)%pen(10) )
    associate( p => alpha1(19)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 1, UP )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(9) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(10) = t_xyp( 0, 1, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! T
    allocate( alpha1(20)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha1(20)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! U
    allocate( alpha1(21)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(21)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 8, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! V
    allocate( alpha1(22)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha1(22)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-2, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2,-8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! W
    allocate( alpha1(23)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha1(23)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-1, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 1,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 1, 8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1,-8, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 1, 8, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-1,-8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! X
    allocate( alpha1(24)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(24)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 8, UP )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4,-8, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 8, DOWN )
    end associate               
  ! Y 
    allocate( alpha1(25)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha1(25)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2, 4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2,-4, DOWN )
    end associate                  
  ! Z 
    allocate( alpha1(26)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha1(26)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                  
  ! a 
    allocate( alpha2(1)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha2(1)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 4, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-3, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-1, 0, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 5, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                  
  ! b 
    allocate( alpha2(2)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(2)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                  
  ! c 
    allocate( alpha2(3)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(3)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 2, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-1, DOWN )
    end associate                
  ! d 
    allocate( alpha2(4)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(4)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                    
  ! e 
    allocate( alpha2(5)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(5)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                    
  ! f
    allocate( alpha2(6)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(6)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 7, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 4, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! g
    allocate( alpha2(7)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha2(7)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-3, 0, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! h
    allocate( alpha2(8)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(8)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! i
    allocate( alpha2(9)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => alpha2(9)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-2, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! j
    allocate( alpha2(10)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(10)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 3, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-2, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-2, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 2, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! k
    allocate( alpha2(11)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(11)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 2, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 3, 5, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-3,-3, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 2,-3, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! l
    allocate( alpha2(12)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(12)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 9, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-8, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-2, 0, UP )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! m
    allocate( alpha2(13)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha2(13)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 5, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-1, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-2, 0, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! n
    allocate( alpha2(14)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(14)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 1, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 5, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-1, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! o
    allocate( alpha2(15)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(15)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 0, 4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! p
    allocate( alpha2(16)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(16)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1,-3, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! q
    allocate( alpha2(17)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(17)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5,-3, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 8, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! r
    allocate( alpha2(18)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(18)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0,-5, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 3, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 2,-2, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! s
    allocate( alpha2(19)%pen(8) )
    associate( p => alpha2(19)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 5, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 0, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0,-2, DOWN )
      p(7) = t_xyp(-4, 0, DOWN )
      p(8) = t_xyp( 0, 0, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! t
    allocate( alpha2(20)%pen(6) )
    associate( p => alpha2(20)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-2, 2, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 0,-6, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 3, 0, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp(-5, 0, UP )
    end associate                        
  ! u
    allocate( alpha2(21)%pen(7) )
    associate( p => alpha2(21)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 4, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 1, DOWN )
      p(6) = t_xyp( 0, 3, UP )
      p(7) = t_xyp( 0,-4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! v
    allocate( alpha2(22)%pen(3) )
    associate( p => alpha2(22)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! w
    allocate( alpha2(23)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(23)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 0, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 1,-4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp( 1, 4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! x
    allocate( alpha2(24)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => alpha2(24)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4,-4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 0, 4, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4,-4, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! y
    allocate( alpha2(25)%pen(4) )
    associate( p => alpha2(25)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 2,-4, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp( 2, 4, UP )
      p(4) = t_xyp(-4,-8, DOWN )
    end associate                        
  ! z
    allocate( alpha2(26)%pen(5) )
    associate( p => alpha2(26)%pen ) ! F2003
      p(1) = t_xyp( 1, 5, UP )
      p(2) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(3) = t_xyp(-4,-4, DOWN )
      p(4) = t_xyp( 4, 0, DOWN )
      p(5) = t_xyp(-1, 2, UP )
    end associate                        
  end subroutine init_fonts
  subroutine draw_font( font )
    type (t_font), intent(in) :: font 
    integer :: i, isc1 = 2, isc0 = 1  !=====================================================
    associate( p => font%pen ) ! F2003
     do i = 1, size(p)
       if ( p(i)%ipen == UP ) then
         call move_rel( p(i)%ix * isc1 / isc0, p(i)%iy * isc1 / isc0 )
       else ! DOWN
         call draw_rel( p(i)%ix * isc1 / isc0, p(i)%iy * isc1 / isc0 )
       end if
     end do
    end associate
  end subroutine draw_font
  subroutine ixy(ix, iy, kx, ky)
    integer, intent(in ) :: ix, iy
    integer, intent(out) :: kx, ky 
    kx =  wnd%nsize_x / 2 + ix * 1
    ky =  wnd%nsize_y / 2 - iy * 1
  end subroutine ixy
  subroutine move(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    ixpen = ix
    iypen = iy
  end subroutine move
  subroutine move_rel(idx, idy)
    integer, intent(in) :: idx, idy
    ixpen = ixpen + idx
    iypen = iypen + idy
  end subroutine move_rel
  subroutine draw(ix, iy)
    integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
    integer :: kx, ky
    call ixy(ixpen, iypen, kx, ky)
    call html_move(kx, ky)
    call ixy(ix, iy, kx, ky)
    call html_line(kx, ky)
    ixpen = ix
    iypen = iy
    call html_show()
  end subroutine draw
  subroutine draw_rel(idx, idy)
    integer, intent(in) :: idx, idy
    integer :: kx0, ky0, kx1, ky1
    call ixy(ixpen, iypen, kx0, ky0)
    call html_move(kx0, ky0)
    call ixy(ixpen + idx, iypen + idy, kx1, ky1)
    call html_line(kx1, ky1)
 !   call html_line(kx0, ky0) ! these lines are required 
 !   call html_move(kx1, ky1) ! because Win32 lineTo API exclues destination point
    ixpen = ixpen + idx
    iypen = iypen + idy
    call html_show()
  end subroutine draw_rel
end MODULE plotter
program plot
  use plotter
  real, parameter :: sc = 100.0 ! scale
  real :: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax ! width
  real :: x0, x1, y0, y1, dx, dy
  real :: x, y, ax, ay
  integer :: i, kx, ky
  x0 = -10.0 
  x1 =  10.0 
  y0 = -1.0 
  y1 =  1.0 
  dx = (x1 - x0) * sc
  dy = (y1 - y0) * sc
  xmin = x0 - dx 
  xmax = x1 + dx
  ymin = y0 - dy
  ymax = y1 + dy
  call init_fonts()
  call html_on('Font', 640, 480)

  call html_pen( irgb(255, 0, 0), 1 )
  call move( -500, 0 )
  call draw_rel(1500, 0)
  call html_pen( irgb(0, 0, 0), 1 )

! number
  do i = 0, 9
      print *, 'num ', i
    call move( 200, 0 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 32 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(num(i))
    call move( 200, 0 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 32 * i - 16, 0)
    call draw_font(mark(15 + mod(i, 6)))
    call move(-100, -60 )
    call move_rel(1 * 16 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(num(i))
  end do
! mark
  do i = 1, 20
      print *, 'mark ', i
    call move( 200, 200 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 16 * i + 8, 0)
    call draw_font(mark(i))
  end do

! alphabet capital
  do i = 1, 26

    call move( 200, 140 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 15 * i, 0)
!    call draw_font(alpha1(i))
    call draw_font(greek1(i))
    call move( 200, 100 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 15 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(greek2(i))
    call move( 200, 60 )
    call move_rel(-1 * 15 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(alpha2(i))
    call move(-250, -100 )
    call move_rel(1 * 15 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(alpha1(i))
    call move(-250, -130 )
    call move_rel(1 * 15 * i, 0)
    call draw_font(alpha2(i))
  end do

  call html_off()
end program plot


結論から言うと Fortran95 を基本として、Fortran2003 や Fortran2008 の機能をつまみ食い的に使うのが現実的な気がします。

Fortran95 に完全に対応したコンパイラは、リリースされてから年月も経ってこなれてきています。一方 Fortran2003 は、未だ Cray と IBM 以外からは完全に対応したコンパイラが出ていません。それでも、各社とも Fortran2008 の便利そうな機能を取り入れることを行っています。

またFortran95 は、静的な厳しい型チェックをしているので、バグが出にくくなっていますが、Fortran2003 からは、動的な(実行時)型の結び付けや配列の自動再割り付けが可能なために、実行時エラーが出やすくなっています。

ところで Fortran の強みでもある古くからの資産は、多く FORTRAN77 で書かれており、また FORTRAN66 のコードも幅広く残っているため、これらを切り捨てる訳にもいきません。しかしFortran90以降は、比較的現代的な文法をもった言語になっているので、教育的見地から望ましい選択肢になっています。

さて Fortran は、後方互換性のために、歴史の積み重ねがそのまま残っていて、命令が直交化してしていません。つまり同じ事を幾通りにも表現できる冗長性を持っています。例えれば国語に於いて、上古、中古、近世、現代の単語や文法が使えるのと同じようになっています。これらを、時代区別なく混ぜて用いることは滑稽で好ましくありませんが、初心者には判断が難しいようです。



西暦 名 主たる特徴
John Backus 率いる小さなグループ
1957 FORTRAN I  初めての成功した計算機言語。文関数の導入。 
[FORTRAN III  インライン・アセンブラ導入。公開されず。]  
IBM 本格的開発 Backus の手を離れる
1962 FORTRAN IV   事実上の標準。(FORTRAN II と互換性なし。) ホレリスBCD文字コード
(1963 ASCII 文字コード / EBCDIC 文字コード 制定)
1966 FORTRAN 66   計算機言語初の ANSI 規格。
1978 FORTRAN 77   IF...THEN...ELSE...END IF の導入。(FORTRAN 66 と互換性なし)
1978 FORTRAN 77(MIL-STD-1753)米軍仕様。IMPLICIT NONE の導入。
=*=*=*=*=*=*=*==*=*=*=*= 越えられない壁 *=*=*=*=*==*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= 
ALGOL的屋上屋 厳格な静的型付け
1991 Fortran 90   小文字、自由形式、再帰、動的記憶領域割り付け、module、ポインタ。(FORTRAN 77 完全互換)
1996 Fortran 95 elemental 属性。(Fortran 90 の修正)
OOP的拡張 動的結び付け
2004 Fortran 2003   OOP、自動配列再割り付け、C言語連携。
2010 Fortran 2008  並列化対応強化。coArray、DO CONCURRENT。

Modern Fortran: Style and Usage を読んで。

Norman S. ClermanoとWalter Spectorによる新刊「Modern Fortran: Style and Usage」をざっと斜め読みしたので感想をば。


タイトルのModern Fortranですが、Fortran2008規格が出て以降、Fortran2003以降のFortranをModern Fortranと言うようになってきているようです。





online compilers





組み込み関数 CMPLX() は REAL(4) がデフォールト値なので、引数が倍精度でも第二引数で KIND を倍精度に指定しないと、単精度で変換されます。



program Complex
  implicit none
  complex (kind = 8) :: c
  real (kind = 4) :: a
  real (kind = 8) :: d
  d = 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
  a = d
  c = cmplx(a, a)
  print *, c
  c = cmplx(d, d)
  print *, c
  c = cmplx(d, d, kind = 8)
  print *, c
end program Complex