昨日の奴に PUBLIC / PRIVATE のアクセス指定を掛けてみたけど、まだよく挙動がわかりません。
MODULE m_locate ! Win32 API call USE ifwinty USE kernel32 IMPLICIT NONE CONTAINS ! SUBROUTINE locate(ix, iy) ! move cursor to (ix, iy) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ix, iy INTEGER (HANDLE) :: hout INTEGER (BOOL) :: bret TYPE (T_COORD) :: tpos hout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) tpos = t_coord( INT(ix, SHORT), INT(iy, SHORT) ) bret = SetConsoleCursorPosition( hout, tpos ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE locate ! SUBROUTINE pr(ix, iy, text) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ix, iy CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text CALL locate(ix, iy) WRITE(*, '(a)') text RETURN END SUBROUTINE pr ! END MODULE m_locate !=================================================== MODULE m_shape IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: t_shape TYPE, ABSTRACT :: t_shape PRIVATE CONTAINS PROCEDURE (p_draw), DEFERRED, PUBLIC :: draw END TYPE t_shape ABSTRACT INTERFACE SUBROUTINE p_draw(this) IMPORT :: t_shape CLASS (t_shape), INTENT(IN) :: this END SUBROUTINE p_draw SUBROUTINE p_set(this) IMPORT :: t_shape CLASS (t_shape), INTENT(IN) :: this END SUBROUTINE p_set END INTERFACE END MODULE m_shape !=================================================== MODULE m_test USE m_shape USE m_locate IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: t_shape, t_circle, t_rectangle TYPE, EXTENDS(t_shape) :: t_circle REAL, PRIVATE :: x = 0.0, y = 0.0 REAL, PRIVATE :: r = 0.0 CONTAINS PROCEDURE :: draw => draw_circle PROCEDURE :: set => set_circle END TYPE t_circle TYPE, EXTENDS(t_shape) :: t_rectangle REAL, PRIVATE :: x = 0.0, y = 0.0 REAL, PRIVATE :: dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0 CONTAINS PROCEDURE :: draw => draw_rectangle PROCEDURE :: set => set_rectangle END TYPE t_rectangle CONTAINS SUBROUTINE draw_circle(this) CLASS (t_circle), INTENT(IN) :: this REAL, PARAMETER :: pi = 4.0 * ATAN(1.0) INTEGER :: i, ix, iy REAL :: rx, ry DO i = 1, 99 ix = INT( this%x + this%r * COS(pi * REAL(i) / 50.0) ) iy = INT( this%y + this%r * SIN(pi * REAL(i) / 50.0) ) CALL pr(ix, iy, '*') END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE draw_circle SUBROUTINE set_circle(this, that) CLASS (t_circle), INTENT(OUT) :: this TYPE (t_circle), INTENT(IN ) :: that this%x = that%x this%y = that%y this%r = that%r RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_circle SUBROUTINE draw_rectangle(this) CLASS (t_rectangle), INTENT(IN) :: this INTEGER :: i, ix, iy REAL :: rx, ry DO i = 1, 100 ix = INT( this%x + this%dx * REAL(i) / 100.0 ) CALL pr(ix, INT( this%y ), '*') CALL pr(ix, INT( this%y + this%dy), '*') iy = INT( this%y + this%dy * REAL(i) / 100.0 ) CALL pr(INT(this%x ), iy, '*') CALL pr(INT(this%x + this%dx), iy, '*') END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE draw_rectangle SUBROUTINE set_rectangle(this, that) CLASS (t_rectangle), INTENT(OUT) :: this TYPE (t_rectangle), INTENT(IN ) :: that this%x = that%x this%y = that%y this%dx = that%dx this%dy = that%dy RETURN END SUBROUTINE set_rectangle END MODULE m_test !======================================== PROGRAM ooptest USE m_test USE m_locate IMPLICIT NONE TYPE :: arr_shape CLASS (t_shape), POINTER :: p END TYPE TYPE (arr_shape) :: ap(10) TYPE (t_circle ), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: c(:) TYPE (t_rectangle), ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: r1, r2 INTEGER :: i ALLOCATE( c(2) ) CALL c(1)%set( t_circle(10.0, 10.0, 6.0) ) CALL c(2)%set( t_circle(40.0, 12.0, 10.0) ) ALLOCATE( r1, SOURCE = t_rectangle(20.0, 10.0, 35.0, 10.0) ) ALLOCATE( r2, SOURCE = t_rectangle(60.0, 2.0, 15.0, 8.0) ) r1 = t_rectangle(20.0, 10.0, 35.0, 10.0) ap(1)%p => c(1) ap(2)%p => c(2) ap(3)%p => r1 ap(4)%p => r2 DO i = 1, 4 CALL ap(i)%p%draw() END DO CALL pr(0, 23, '') ! MOVE TO BOTTOM STOP END PROGRAM ooptest