Michael Metcalf, History of Fortran (2002)
Fortran の歴史について書いた本のリスト集。
Often questions arise that relate to the history of Fortran and to the development of its various standards: "why was feature x included/excluded?", "which statement was in which standard?", "was there a conspiracy to do this, that or the other?", etc. Answers to all these and more can be found in the literature. I have tried to assemble a short list of books and journals that should be relatively easy to find or obtain in a good academic library, in the hope that it can be of service to such enquirers.
まさにこれが気になる点w 陰謀論w
"why was feature x included/excluded?", "which statement was in which standard?", "was there a conspiracy to do this, that or the other?"
A. M. Gorelik, Statements, data types and intrinsic procedures in the Fortran standards (1966-2008) (2014)
Statements, data types and intrinsic procedures in the Fortran standards (1966-2008)
コロナ・プログラム・シリーズ〈第4〉Fortran語入門 (1963)
主に IBM 社の FORTRAN II を機種ごとに解説したもの。FORTRAN I,IV の記述もあり。
コロナ・プログラム・シリーズ〈第4〉Fortran語入門 (1963年)
- 出版社/メーカー: コロナ社
- 発売日: 1963
- メディア: ?
- この商品を含むブログを見る
変数(配列[77 以降では文字変数])に FORMAT 文相当の文字を入れて、FORMAT を動的に変更する可変 FORMAT 機能は、1960年の FORTRAN II の増補で入った。
UNIVAC 1107 FORTRAN IV に alternate return (例外処理の元祖)と entry 機能(Module の元祖)、abnormal 関数指定(関数副プログラムの純粋性の保証、[im]pure 識別子)がすでに存在していた。