
fortran について書きます。

メモ帳 Fortran の歴史参考文献

Michael Metcalf, History of Fortran (2002)

Fortran の歴史について書いた本のリスト集。

History of Fortran

Often questions arise that relate to the history of Fortran and to the development of its various standards: "why was feature x included/excluded?", "which statement was in which standard?", "was there a conspiracy to do this, that or the other?", etc. Answers to all these and more can be found in the literature. I have tried to assemble a short list of books and journals that should be relatively easy to find or obtain in a good academic library, in the hope that it can be of service to such enquirers.

まさにこれが気になる点w 陰謀論

"why was feature x included/excluded?", "which statement was in which standard?", "was there a conspiracy to do this, that or the other?"

A. M. Gorelik, Statements, data types and intrinsic procedures in the Fortran standards (1966-2008) (2014)

Statements, data types and intrinsic procedures in the Fortran standards (1966-2008)

コロナ・プログラム・シリーズ〈第4〉Fortran語入門 (1963)

主に IBM 社の FORTRAN II を機種ごとに解説したもの。FORTRAN I,IV の記述もあり。

変数(配列[77 以降では文字変数])に FORMAT 文相当の文字を入れて、FORMAT を動的に変更する可変 FORMAT 機能は、1960年の FORTRAN II の増補で入った。

UNIVAC 1107 FORTRAN IV に alternate return (例外処理の元祖)と entry 機能(Module の元祖)、abnormal 関数指定(関数副プログラムの純粋性の保証、[im]pure 識別子)がすでに存在していた。