派生型要素の書き出し用の type bound procedure はやめにして、旧来型で sequence で要素を並べて、生 write 文で済ませることにしました。
ついでに、image block を複数書けるようにした anime gif 対応ルーチンも加えておきました。ただ手抜きで local color table には対応させていません。簡単に直せると思います。
256 色以下の Fortran 計算結果の gif anime 化にはこれで十分だと思います。またここまでくれば、透過色・インターレース等の拡張も難しくない気がします。
ただアニメーション gif の場合、状態を保たねばならないので OO 化した方がいいでしょう。
Modern Fortran Explained (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)
- 作者: Michael Metcalf,John Reid,Malcolm Cohen
- 出版社/メーカー: Oxford University Press, U.S.A.
- 発売日: 2011/05/08
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- この商品を含むブログを見る
Modern Fortran: Tricks of the Software Engineering Trade (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)
- 作者: Damian Rouson,Salvatore Filippone,Sameer Shende
- 出版社/メーカー: CRC Press
- 発売日: 2019/07/22
- メディア: ハードカバー
- この商品を含むブログを見る
- 作者: Dragos B. Chirila,Gerrit Lohmann
- 出版社/メーカー: Springer
- 発売日: 2014/11/27
- メディア: Kindle版
- この商品を含むブログを見る
三つの gif ファイルを出力しています。
- animu.gif
- test1.gif
- test2.gif
global_corlor_table に 4 色以上 256 色以下の 24 bit RGB 色データをセットする。色数は 2^(n_global_color + 1) 色で指定される。図画情報は、irgb(width, height) の整数配列が図の左上を原点 (0,0) とする座標系のピクセル位置に対応しており、それぞれに global_color_table の色に対応する整数値を書き込む。
module m_gif_types use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env implicit none private public :: t_gif_header, t_image_block, t_graphic_control_extension, t_application_extension ! constructors interface t_gif_header procedure :: init_gif_header end interface interface t_image_block procedure :: init_image_block end interface interface t_graphic_control_extension procedure :: init_graphic_control_extension end interface interface t_application_extension procedure :: init_application_extension end interface ! type :: t_gif_header sequence character(3) :: signature = 'GIF' character(3) :: version = '89a' ! '87a' integer(int16) :: width integer(int16) :: height integer(int8) :: pck = int(B'10001010', int8) ! 1:Global Col. 3:Color Res. 1:Sort Flg. 3:Size of Global Col. integer(int8) :: background_color_index = 0 integer(int8) :: pixel_aspect_ratio = 0 end type type :: t_image_block sequence integer(int8) :: image_separator = Z'2C' integer(int16) :: image_left_position = 00 integer(int16) :: image_top_position = 00 integer(int16) :: image_width integer(int16) :: image_height integer(int8) :: pck = int(B'00000000', int8) ! local color table !integer(int8) :: LZW_minimum_code_size !integer(int8) :: block_size !integer(int8) :: image_data (:) !integer(int8) :: block_terminator = Z'00' end type t_image_block type :: t_graphic_control_extension sequence integer(int8) :: extention_introducer = Z'21' integer(int8) :: graphic_control_label = Z'F9' integer(int8) :: lock_size = Z'04' integer(int8) :: pck = Z'00' integer(int16) :: delay_time = 50 ! msec integer(int8) :: transparent_color_index = 0 integer(int8) :: block_terminator = Z'00' end type t_graphic_control_extension type :: t_application_extension ! for animation gif sequence integer(int8) :: extension_intrducer = Z'21' integer(int8) :: extension_label = Z'FF' integer(int8) :: block_size_01 = Z'0B' character(len = 8) :: application_identifier = 'NETSCAPE' character(len = 3) :: application_authentication_code = '2.0' integer(int8) :: block_size_02 = Z'03' ! 0:block terminator integer(int8) :: n = Z'01' !application_data integer(int16) :: nloop = 0 ! 0:unlimited integer(int8) :: block_terminator = Z'00' end type t_application_extension contains type(t_gif_header) function init_gif_header(nx, ny, ngcol) result(res) integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, ngcol res%width = nx res%height = ny res%pck = iand(res%pck, B'11111000') + int(mod(ngcol, 8), int8) ! least 3bits : size of global color : 2**(ngcol + 1) 2..256 end function init_gif_header type(t_image_block) function init_image_block(nx, ny) result(res) integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny res%image_width = nx res%image_height = ny end function init_image_block type(t_graphic_control_extension) function init_graphic_control_extension(it) result(res) integer, intent(in) :: it res%delay_time = it ! msec end function init_graphic_control_extension type(t_application_extension) function init_application_extension(nloop) result(res) integer, intent(in) :: nloop res%nloop = int(nloop, int16) end function init_application_extension end module m_gif_types module m_gif_lzw use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use :: m_gif_types implicit none private public :: encoder type :: t_enc integer :: kbits = 0, id = 0 end type contains subroutine enc(irgb, nbits, code) ! gif LZW integer, intent(in) :: irgb(:), nbits type (t_enc), intent(out) :: code(:) integer :: dict(0:2**12 - 1) ! 0:4095 integer :: kbits, kd, m0 integer :: i, ip, ic, ienc call clear_dict() ! clear dictionary ic = 1 code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, 2**nbits) ! clear_code m0 = irgb(1) do ip = 2, size(irgb) call subenc(ienc, irgb(ip)) if (ienc /= -1) then ic = ic + 1 code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, ienc) end if if (kd == 2**12 - 1) then ! dictionary full ic = ic + 1 code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, 2**nbits) ! clear_code call clear_dict() ! clear dictionary end if end do ic = ic + 1 code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, m0) ic = ic + 1 code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, dict(2**nbits + 1)) ! end_code contains subroutine subenc(ienc, m1) integer, intent(out) :: ienc integer, intent(in ) :: m1 integer :: k, id k = ishft(m0 + 1, 16) + m1 ! m0 + 1 to avoid 00...0 degeneracy id = findloc(dict, k, dim = 1) ! dictionary is 0-based if (id == 0) then ! not found in dictionary kd = kd + 1 dict(kd) = k if (kd == 2**kbits + 1) kbits = kbits + 1 ienc = m0 m0 = m1 else ! found in dictionary ienc = -1 m0 = id - 1 ! because dictionary is 0-based, m0 must be shifted by 1 end if end subroutine subenc subroutine clear_dict() integer :: i kbits = nbits + 1 kd = 2**nbits + 1 ! dictinary defined dict = 0 forall(i = 0:kd) dict(i) = i ! dict(nbit):clear code; dict(nbit+1):end code end subroutine clear_dict end subroutine enc subroutine encoder(irgb, nbits, icode) integer, intent(in ) :: irgb(:), nbits integer(int8), allocatable, intent(out) :: icode(:) type(t_enc), allocatable :: code(:) integer :: i, j, k, ib, ic, nb allocate(code(size(irgb) + 100)) ! ? large enough ? call enc(irgb, nbits, code) ! compress color code to LZW code nb = ceiling(sum(code(:)%kbits) / 8.0) ! required bytes allocate(icode(nb)) icode = 0 ! pack LZW code to bit string k = 0 do i = 1, size(code) do j = 1, code(i)%kbits if (btest(code(i)%id, j - 1)) then ic = k / 8 + 1 ib = mod(k, 8) icode(ic) = ibset(icode(ic), ib) end if k = k + 1 end do end do end subroutine encoder end module m_gif_lzw module m_gif use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use :: m_gif_types use :: m_gif_lzw implicit none private public :: wr_gif contains subroutine wr_gif(fn, irgb2) character(*), intent(in) :: fn integer , intent(in) :: irgb2(:, :) type(t_gif_header ), allocatable :: head type(t_image_block), allocatable :: img integer :: n_global_color integer(int8), allocatable :: global_color_table(:, :) integer(int8), allocatable :: icode(:) integer :: nx, ny, minbits ! set global color table n_global_color = 2 allocate(global_color_table(3, 2**(n_global_color + 1))) global_color_table = 0 global_color_table = reshape([[ 0, 0, 0], [255, 0, 0], [0,255, 0], [ 0, 0,255], & [255,255, 0], [255, 0,255], [0,255,255], [255,255,255]], [8,3]) ! set header nx = size(irgb2, 1) ny = size(irgb2, 2) head = t_gif_header(nx, ny, n_global_color) img = t_image_block(nx, ny) minbits = n_global_color + 1 ! encode color code to lzw code block integer :: ix, iy integer, allocatable :: irgb(:) allocate(irgb(size(irgb2))) forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb(ix + nx * (iy - 1)) = irgb2(ix, iy) call encoder(irgb, minbits, icode) ! color code to GIF LZW code end block ! write to fn block integer :: iw, i open(newunit = iw, file = fn, access = 'stream') write(iw) head write(iw) global_color_table write(iw) img write(iw) achar(minbits) ! LZW_minimum_code_size = 2..7 (2..7+1=3bit..8bit) do i = 255, size(icode), 255 ! write bit sequence of 255 bytes write(iw) achar(255) write(iw) icode(i - 255 + 1:i) end do write(iw) achar(size(icode(i - 255 + 1:))) ! write remaining data (less than 255 bytes) write(iw) icode(i - 255 + 1:) write(iw) achar(00) ! block_terminator write(iw) achar(Z'3B') ! end of gif file close(iw) end block end subroutine wr_gif end module m_gif module m_anime_gif use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use :: m_gif_types use :: m_gif_lzw implicit none private public :: wr_gif_init, wr_gif_img, wr_gif_final integer, save :: iw contains subroutine wr_gif_init(fn, nx, ny, n_global_color, global_color_table, nloop) character(*), intent(in) :: fn integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, n_global_color, nloop integer(int8), intent(in) :: global_color_table(:) type(t_gif_header), allocatable :: head type(t_application_extension) :: anime integer :: i head = t_gif_header(nx, ny, n_global_color) anime = t_application_extension(nloop) open(newunit = iw, file = fn, access = 'stream') ! iw module variable write(iw) head write(iw) global_color_table write(iw) anime end subroutine wr_gif_init subroutine wr_gif_img(irgb2, nbits, itime) integer, intent(in) :: irgb2(:, :), nbits, itime type(t_graphic_control_extension), allocatable :: ext type(t_image_block), allocatable :: img integer(int8), allocatable :: icode(:) integer :: i, ix, iy, nx, ny, nbyte integer, allocatable :: irgb(:) nx = size(irgb2, 1) ny = size(irgb2, 2) ext = t_graphic_control_extension(itime) img = t_image_block(nx, ny) ! color code to lzw code allocate(irgb(size(irgb2))) forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb(ix + nx * (iy - 1)) = irgb2(ix, iy) call encoder(irgb, nbits, icode) ! color code to GIF LZW code ! write bit strings to file write(iw) ext write(iw) img write(iw) achar(nbits) ! nbits is global ! LZW_minimum_code_size = 2..7 (2..7+1=3bit..8bit) do i = 1, size(icode), 255 nbyte = min(i + 255, size(icode)) - i write(iw) achar(nbyte) write(iw) icode(i:i+nbyte-1) end do write(iw) achar(00) ! block_terminator end subroutine wr_gif_img subroutine wr_gif_final() write(iw) achar(Z'3B') ! end of gif file close(iw) end subroutine wr_gif_final end module m_anime_gif program test use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env use m_gif use m_anime_gif implicit none integer, allocatable :: irgb2(:, :) integer :: nx, ny, minbits nx = 320 ny = 320 allocate(irgb2(nx, ny)) ! set global color table block integer :: n_global_color ! 2..7 ! 4..256 colors (2^(n_global_color + 1)) integer(int8), allocatable :: global_color_table(:) n_global_color = 2 allocate(global_color_table(3 * 2**(n_global_color + 1))) global_color_table = 0 global_color_table = [[ 0, 0, 0], [255, 0, 0], [0,255, 0], [ 0, 0,255], & [255,255, 0], [255, 0,255], [0,255,255], [255,255,255]] call wr_gif_init('animu.gif', nx, ny, n_global_color, global_color_table, 0) minbits = n_global_color + 1 end block ! block real, allocatable :: x(:, :) ! random allocate(x(nx, ny)) call random_seed() call random_number(x)! irgb2 = int(8 * x, int8) call wr_gif_img(irgb2, minbits, 100) call wr_gif('test1.gif', irgb2) end block ! block ! tile integer :: ix, iy, i do i = 1, 24 forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb2(ix, iy) = mod(i + (ix - 1) / 40 + (iy - 1) / 40, 8) call wr_gif_img(irgb2, minbits, 2 * i) ! delay time 2 * i msec end do call wr_gif('test2.gif', irgb2) end block call wr_gif_final() end program test
(H30.5.8 バグ修正)