
fortran について書きます。

【メモ帳】anime gif プログラム


派生型要素の書き出し用の type bound procedure はやめにして、旧来型で sequence で要素を並べて、生 write 文で済ませることにしました。

ついでに、image block を複数書けるようにした anime gif 対応ルーチンも加えておきました。ただ手抜きで local color table には対応させていません。簡単に直せると思います。

256 色以下の Fortran 計算結果の gif anime 化にはこれで十分だと思います。またここまでくれば、透過色・インターレース等の拡張も難しくない気がします。

ただアニメーション gif の場合、状態を保たねばならないので OO 化した方がいいでしょう。

Modern Fortran Explained (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)

Modern Fortran Explained (Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation)

  • 作者: Michael Metcalf,John Reid,Malcolm Cohen
  • 出版社/メーカー: Oxford University Press, U.S.A.
  • 発売日: 2011/05/08
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
  • この商品を含むブログを見る
Modern Fortran: Tricks of the Software Engineering Trade (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

Modern Fortran: Tricks of the Software Engineering Trade (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computational Science)

Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System Sciences (Springerbriefs in Earth System Sciences)

Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System Sciences (Springerbriefs in Earth System Sciences)


三つの gif ファイルを出力しています。

  1. animu.gif


  1. test1.gif


  1. test2.gif



global_corlor_table に 4 色以上 256 色以下の 24 bit RGB 色データをセットする。色数は 2^(n_global_color + 1) 色で指定される。図画情報は、irgb(width, height) の整数配列が図の左上を原点 (0,0) とする座標系のピクセル位置に対応しており、それぞれに global_color_table の色に対応する整数値を書き込む。

    module m_gif_types
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
      implicit none    
      public :: t_gif_header, t_image_block, t_graphic_control_extension, t_application_extension 
      ! constructors 
      interface t_gif_header
        procedure :: init_gif_header
      end interface 

      interface t_image_block
        procedure :: init_image_block
      end interface 
      interface t_graphic_control_extension
        procedure :: init_graphic_control_extension 
      end interface
      interface t_application_extension
        procedure :: init_application_extension
      end interface  
      type :: t_gif_header
        character(3)   :: signature               = 'GIF'
        character(3)   :: version                 = '89a' ! '87a'
        integer(int16) :: width     
        integer(int16) :: height    
        integer(int8)  :: pck                     = int(B'10001010', int8) ! 1:Global Col. 3:Color Res. 1:Sort Flg. 3:Size of Global Col.
        integer(int8)  :: background_color_index  = 0
        integer(int8)  :: pixel_aspect_ratio      = 0
      end type  

      type :: t_image_block
        integer(int8)  :: image_separator         = Z'2C'
        integer(int16) :: image_left_position     = 00
        integer(int16) :: image_top_position      = 00
        integer(int16) :: image_width  
        integer(int16) :: image_height 
        integer(int8)  :: pck                     = int(B'00000000', int8)
        ! local color table
        !integer(int8) :: LZW_minimum_code_size 
        !integer(int8) :: block_size  
        !integer(int8) :: image_data (:)
        !integer(int8) :: block_terminator        = Z'00'  
      end type t_image_block

      type :: t_graphic_control_extension
        integer(int8)  :: extention_introducer    = Z'21'
        integer(int8)  :: graphic_control_label   = Z'F9'
        integer(int8)  :: lock_size               = Z'04'
        integer(int8)  :: pck                     = Z'00'
        integer(int16) :: delay_time              = 50 ! msec
        integer(int8)  :: transparent_color_index = 0
        integer(int8)  :: block_terminator        = Z'00'
      end type t_graphic_control_extension
      type :: t_application_extension ! for animation gif
        integer(int8)  :: extension_intrducer     = Z'21'
        integer(int8)  :: extension_label         = Z'FF'
        integer(int8)  :: block_size_01           = Z'0B'
        character(len = 8) :: application_identifier          = 'NETSCAPE'
        character(len = 3) :: application_authentication_code = '2.0'
        integer(int8)  :: block_size_02           = Z'03' ! 0:block terminator
        integer(int8)  :: n                       = Z'01' !application_data
        integer(int16) :: nloop                   = 0     ! 0:unlimited 
        integer(int8)  :: block_terminator        = Z'00'
      end type t_application_extension   
      type(t_gif_header) function init_gif_header(nx, ny, ngcol) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, ngcol
        res%width  = nx
        res%height = ny
        res%pck = iand(res%pck, B'11111000') + int(mod(ngcol, 8), int8) ! least 3bits : size of global color : 2**(ngcol + 1) 2..256
      end function init_gif_header
      type(t_image_block) function init_image_block(nx, ny) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
        res%image_width  = nx
        res%image_height = ny
      end function init_image_block
      type(t_graphic_control_extension) function init_graphic_control_extension(it) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: it
        res%delay_time = it ! msec 
      end function  init_graphic_control_extension
      type(t_application_extension) function init_application_extension(nloop) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: nloop
        res%nloop = int(nloop, int16)
      end function init_application_extension  
    end module m_gif_types 

    module m_gif_lzw
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
      use :: m_gif_types
      implicit none
      public :: encoder
      type :: t_enc
        integer :: kbits = 0, id = 0
      end type    
      subroutine enc(irgb, nbits, code)               ! gif LZW 
        integer, intent(in) :: irgb(:), nbits
        type (t_enc), intent(out) :: code(:)
        integer :: dict(0:2**12 - 1) ! 0:4095
        integer :: kbits, kd, m0
        integer :: i, ip, ic, ienc
        call clear_dict()                             ! clear dictionary 
        ic = 1
        code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, 2**nbits)             ! clear_code 
        m0 = irgb(1)
        do ip = 2, size(irgb)
          call subenc(ienc, irgb(ip)) 
          if (ienc /= -1) then 
            ic = ic + 1
            code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, ienc)
          end if  
          if (kd == 2**12 - 1) then                   ! dictionary full
            ic = ic + 1  
            code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, 2**nbits)         ! clear_code
            call clear_dict()                         ! clear dictionary 
          end if
        end do
        ic = ic + 1
        code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, m0)
        ic = ic + 1 
        code(ic) = t_enc(kbits, dict(2**nbits + 1))   ! end_code  
        subroutine subenc(ienc, m1)
          integer, intent(out) :: ienc
          integer, intent(in ) :: m1
          integer :: k, id
          k = ishft(m0 + 1, 16) + m1                  ! m0 + 1 to avoid 00...0 degeneracy 
          id = findloc(dict, k, dim = 1)              ! dictionary is 0-based 
          if (id == 0) then                           ! not found in dictionary
            kd = kd + 1
            dict(kd) = k
            if (kd == 2**kbits + 1) kbits = kbits + 1
            ienc = m0
            m0 = m1
          else                                        ! found in dictionary
            ienc = -1
            m0 = id - 1                               ! because dictionary is 0-based, m0 must be shifted by 1
          end if    
        end subroutine subenc

        subroutine clear_dict()
          integer :: i
          kbits = nbits + 1
          kd = 2**nbits + 1 ! dictinary defined
          dict = 0
          forall(i = 0:kd) dict(i) = i                ! dict(nbit):clear code; dict(nbit+1):end code 
        end subroutine clear_dict
      end subroutine enc
      subroutine encoder(irgb, nbits, icode)
        integer, intent(in ) :: irgb(:), nbits
        integer(int8), allocatable, intent(out) :: icode(:)
        type(t_enc), allocatable :: code(:)
        integer :: i, j, k, ib, ic, nb  
        allocate(code(size(irgb) + 100))              ! ? large enough ?
        call enc(irgb, nbits, code)                   ! compress color code to LZW code
        nb = ceiling(sum(code(:)%kbits) / 8.0)        !   required bytes  
        icode = 0                                     ! pack LZW code to bit string    
        k = 0
        do i = 1, size(code)                          
          do j = 1, code(i)%kbits   
            if (btest(code(i)%id, j - 1)) then 
              ic = k / 8 + 1 
              ib = mod(k, 8)
              icode(ic) = ibset(icode(ic), ib)
            end if
            k = k + 1
          end do  
        end do            
      end subroutine encoder 
    end module m_gif_lzw
    module m_gif
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
      use :: m_gif_types
      use :: m_gif_lzw
      implicit none
      public :: wr_gif
      subroutine wr_gif(fn, irgb2)
        character(*), intent(in) :: fn
        integer     , intent(in) :: irgb2(:, :)
        type(t_gif_header ), allocatable :: head
        type(t_image_block), allocatable :: img
        integer :: n_global_color 
        integer(int8), allocatable :: global_color_table(:, :)
        integer(int8), allocatable :: icode(:)
        integer :: nx, ny, minbits
        ! set global color table
        n_global_color = 2
        allocate(global_color_table(3, 2**(n_global_color + 1)))
        global_color_table = 0
        global_color_table = reshape([[  0,  0,  0], [255,  0,  0], [0,255,  0], [  0,  0,255], &
                                      [255,255,  0], [255,  0,255], [0,255,255], [255,255,255]], [8,3])
        ! set header 
        nx = size(irgb2, 1)
        ny = size(irgb2, 2)
        head  = t_gif_header(nx, ny, n_global_color)
        img   = t_image_block(nx, ny)
        minbits = n_global_color + 1               
        ! encode color code to lzw code 
          integer :: ix, iy  
          integer, allocatable :: irgb(:)
          forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb(ix + nx * (iy - 1)) = irgb2(ix, iy)
          call encoder(irgb, minbits, icode)           ! color code to GIF LZW code
        end block
        ! write to fn
          integer :: iw, i  
          open(newunit = iw, file = fn, access = 'stream')
          write(iw) head      
          write(iw) global_color_table
          write(iw) img     
          write(iw) achar(minbits)                       ! LZW_minimum_code_size = 2..7   (2..7+1=3bit..8bit)
          do i = 255, size(icode), 255                 ! write bit sequence of 255 bytes 
            write(iw) achar(255)             
            write(iw) icode(i - 255 + 1:i)
          end do  
          write(iw) achar(size(icode(i - 255 + 1:)))   ! write remaining data (less than 255 bytes)
          write(iw) icode(i - 255 + 1:)
          write(iw) achar(00)                          ! block_terminator
          write(iw) achar(Z'3B')                       ! end of gif file
        end block
      end subroutine wr_gif  
    end module m_gif

    module m_anime_gif
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
      use :: m_gif_types
      use :: m_gif_lzw
      implicit none
      public :: wr_gif_init, wr_gif_img, wr_gif_final
      integer, save :: iw
      subroutine wr_gif_init(fn, nx, ny, n_global_color, global_color_table, nloop)
        character(*), intent(in) :: fn
        integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, n_global_color, nloop
        integer(int8), intent(in) :: global_color_table(:)
        type(t_gif_header), allocatable :: head
        type(t_application_extension) :: anime
        integer :: i  
        head  = t_gif_header(nx, ny, n_global_color)
        anime = t_application_extension(nloop)
        open(newunit = iw, file = fn, access = 'stream') ! iw module variable 
        write(iw) head      
        write(iw) global_color_table
        write(iw) anime
      end subroutine wr_gif_init

      subroutine wr_gif_img(irgb2, nbits, itime)
        integer, intent(in) :: irgb2(:, :), nbits, itime
        type(t_graphic_control_extension), allocatable :: ext
        type(t_image_block), allocatable :: img
        integer(int8), allocatable :: icode(:)
        integer :: i, ix, iy, nx, ny, nbyte  
        integer, allocatable :: irgb(:)
        nx = size(irgb2, 1)
        ny = size(irgb2, 2)
        ext = t_graphic_control_extension(itime)
        img = t_image_block(nx, ny)
        ! color code to lzw code 
        forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb(ix + nx * (iy - 1)) = irgb2(ix, iy)
        call encoder(irgb, nbits, icode)             ! color code to GIF LZW code
        ! write bit strings to file
        write(iw) ext 
        write(iw) img     
        write(iw) achar(nbits)    ! nbits is global  ! LZW_minimum_code_size = 2..7   (2..7+1=3bit..8bit)
        do i = 1, size(icode), 255         
          nbyte = min(i + 255, size(icode)) - i
          write(iw) achar(nbyte)             
          write(iw) icode(i:i+nbyte-1)
        end do  
        write(iw) achar(00)                          ! block_terminator
      end subroutine wr_gif_img
      subroutine wr_gif_final()
        write(iw) achar(Z'3B')                       ! end of gif file
      end subroutine wr_gif_final
    end module m_anime_gif

    program test
      use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
      use m_gif
      use m_anime_gif
      implicit none
      integer, allocatable :: irgb2(:, :)
      integer :: nx, ny, minbits
      nx = 320
      ny = 320
      allocate(irgb2(nx, ny))
      ! set global color table
        integer :: n_global_color ! 2..7 ! 4..256 colors (2^(n_global_color + 1))
        integer(int8), allocatable :: global_color_table(:)
        n_global_color = 2
        allocate(global_color_table(3 * 2**(n_global_color + 1)))
        global_color_table = 0
        global_color_table = [[  0,  0,  0], [255,  0,  0], [0,255,  0], [  0,  0,255], &
                              [255,255,  0], [255,  0,255], [0,255,255], [255,255,255]]
        call wr_gif_init('animu.gif', nx, ny, n_global_color, global_color_table, 0)
        minbits = n_global_color + 1
      end block
        real, allocatable :: x(:, :)         ! random 
        allocate(x(nx, ny))
        call random_seed()
        call random_number(x)!
        irgb2 = int(8 * x, int8)
        call wr_gif_img(irgb2, minbits, 100)
        call wr_gif('test1.gif', irgb2)
      end block
      block                                  ! tile
        integer :: ix, iy, i
        do i = 1, 24
          forall(ix = 1:nx, iy = 1:ny) irgb2(ix, iy) = mod(i + (ix - 1) / 40 + (iy - 1) / 40, 8) 
          call wr_gif_img(irgb2, minbits, 2 * i)   ! delay time 2 * i msec
        end do  
        call wr_gif('test2.gif', irgb2)
      end block
      call wr_gif_final()
    end program test

(H30.5.8 バグ修正)