
fortran について書きます。








先日の低レベル・ルーチンの上で動きます。Intel Visual Fortran v16/v17 で動きました。v16の場合、コンパイラFortran Semantics を F2003 用にする必要があります。

Main program

文字列中に特殊文字を書くことで、上付き下付等を実現できます。\^の次の文字は上付きに、\_の次の文字は下付になります。\ (スペース)は半文字後退、\gは次の文字がギリシア文字になります。また \\ でバックスラッシュが出ます。

    program TestFont
      use m_plot
      implicit none
      type (t_fig) :: fig
      call fig%on(t_win32())
      call fig%window(0.0, 0.0, 640.0, 480.0)
      call fig%move( 20.0,  20.0)
      call fig%line( 20.0, 460.0)
      call fig%line(620.0, 460.0)
      call fig%line(620.0,  20.0)
      call fig%line( 20.0,  20.0)
      call fig%text( 55.0,  30.0, '\gA\gB\gC\gD\gE\gF\gG\gH\gI\gJ\gK\gL\gM\gN\gO\gP\gQ\gR\gS\gT\gU\gV\gW\gX\gY\gZ', 2.5)
      call fig%text( 55.0,  60.0, '\ga\gb\gc\gd\ge\gf\gg\gh\gi\gj\gk\gl\gm\gn\go\gp\gq\gr\gs\gt\gu\gv\gw\gx\gy\gz', 2.5)
      call fig%text( 20.0, 420.0, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 3.5)
      call fig%text( 45.0,  18.0, '.,%*/+--=~(){}[]''"^\!?@:;<> ', 2.5, 90.0)
      call fig%text(590.0, 450.0, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',   2.5, -90.0)
      call fig%text(370.0, 330.0, 'Hankel function', 4.0, 0.0, 'center')
      call fig%text(640.0, 250.0, 'H\_\ga\ \^(\^1\^)(x)=J\_\ga(x)+iY\_\ga(x)', 4.0, 0.0, 'right')
      call fig%text(640.0, 150.0, 'H\_\ga\ \^(\^2\^)(x)=J\_\ga(x)-iY\_\ga(x)', 4.0, 0.0, 'right')
      call fig%off()
    end program TestFont
Module m_font
    module m_font  
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: nsize_font_x = 8, nsize_font_y = 10
      type :: t_xyp
        integer :: ix, iy, ipen
      end type t_xyp
      type :: t_font 
         type (t_xyp), allocatable :: pen(:)
      end type t_font
      type (t_font) :: num(10), mark(28)
      type (t_font) :: alpha(52), greek(52)
      type (t_font) :: alphanum(0:90)
      function to_xyp(m) result(res)
        integer, intent(in) :: m(:)
        type (t_xyp) :: res(size(m) / 3)
        integer :: i
        do i = 1, size(m), 3
          res(i / 3 + 1) = t_xyp(m(i), m(i + 1), m(i + 2))
        end do  
      end function to_xyp  

      subroutine font_init()
        type :: t_tmp
          integer, allocatable :: m(:)
        end type
        type (t_tmp) :: numb(10), mrk(28), alpha_u(26), alpha_l(26), greek_u(26), greek_l(26)
        integer :: i
        numb( 1)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,8,0],[-4,0,0],[0,-8,0],[4,8,0]]          ! 0
        numb( 2)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[-2,0,1],[0,8,0],[-2,-4,0]]                 ! 1 
        numb( 3)%m = [[5,1,1],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0],[0,-2,0]] ! 2
        numb( 4)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0],[4,0,1],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0]]  ! 3
        numb( 5)%m = [[4,1,1],[0,8,0],[-4,0,1],[0,-4,0],[6,0,0]]                  ! 4
        numb( 6)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0]]           ! 5
        numb( 7)%m = [[5,9,1],[-4,0,0],[0,-8,0],[4,0,0],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0]]         ! 6
        numb( 8)%m = [[3,1,1],[1,4,0],[2,4,0],[-6,0,0]]                           ! 7 
        numb( 9)%m = [[1,5,1],[0,4,0],[4,0,0],[0,-8,0],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0]]  ! 8
        numb(10)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,8,0],[-4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[4,0,0]]          ! 9
        mrk( 1)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0]]                   ! .
        mrk( 2)%m = [[2,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[-2,-2,0],[1,2,0]]          ! ,
        mrk( 3)%m = [[1,2,1],[4,4,0],[-3,1,1],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[-1,1,0],[1,1,0],[2,-4,1],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[-1,1,0],[1,1,0]] ! %
        mrk( 4)%m = [[1,7,1],[4,-4,0],[-4,0,1],[4,4,0],[-2,1,1],[0,-6,0]]         ! *
        mrk( 5)%m = [[1,2,1],[4,6,0]]                                             ! /
        mrk( 6)%m = [[1,5,1],[4,0,0],[-2,3,1],[0,-6,0]]                           ! +
        mrk( 7)%m = [[1,5,1],[4,0,0]]                                             ! --
        mrk( 8)%m = [[2,5,1],[2,0,0]]                                             ! -
        mrk( 9)%m = [[1,6,1],[4,0,0],[-4,-2,1],[4,0,0]]                           ! =
        mrk(10)%m = [[0,5,1],[1,1,0],[1,0,0],[2,-2,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]            ! ~
        mrk(11)%m = [[4,9,1],[-1,-1,0],[-1,-2,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-2,0],[1,-1,0]]      ! (
        mrk(12)%m = [[2,9,1],[1,-1,0],[1,-2,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-2,0],[-1,-1,0]]      ! )
        mrk(13)%m = [[5,9,1],[-1,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[1,0,0]] ! {
        mrk(14)%m = [[2,9,1],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[-1,0,0]] ! }
        mrk(15)%m = [[5,9,1],[-2,0,0],[0,-8,0],[2,0,0]]                           ! [
        mrk(16)%m = [[2,9,1],[2,0,0],[0,-8,0],[-2,0,0]]                           ! ]
        mrk(17)%m = [[3,9,1],[0,-3,0]]                                            ! ' 
        mrk(18)%m = [[3,9,1],[0,-3,0],[1,0,1],[0,3,0]]                            ! "
        mrk(19)%m = [[2,7,1],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0]]                                    ! ^
        mrk(20)%m = [[5,2,1],[-4,6,0]]                                            ! \
        mrk(21)%m = [[4,9,1],[0,-6,0],[0,-2,1],[0,-1,0]]                          ! !
        mrk(22)%m = [[1,7,1],[1,2,0],[2,0,0],[1,-2,0],[0,-1,0],[-3,-2,0],[0,-1,0],[0,-2,1],[0,-1,0]] ! ?
        mrk(23)%m = [[4,4,1],[0,3,0],[-2,0,0],[0,-3,0],[3,0,0],[0,4,0],[-1,1,0], [-2,0,0],&
                     [-1,-1,0],[0,-4,0],[1,-2,0],[3,0,0]]                         ! @
        mrk(24)%m = [[5,8,1],[0,-2,0],[0,-3,1],[0,-2,0]]                          ! :
        mrk(25)%m = [[5,8,1],[0,-2,0],[0,-3,1],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0]]                ! ;
        mrk(26)%m = [[6,7,1],[-5,-3,0],[ 5,-3,0]]                                 ! <
        mrk(27)%m = [[1,7,1],[ 5,-3,0],[-5,-3,0]]                                 ! >
        mrk(28)%m = [[0,0,1]]                                                     ! 
        alpha_u( 1)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,4,0],[2,4,0],[2,-4,0],[0,-4,0],[0,3,1],[-4,0,0]]           ! A
        alpha_u( 2)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[3,0,0],[0,-4,0],[-3,0,1],[4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[-4,0,0]]  ! B
        alpha_u( 3)%m = [[5,3,1],[-2,-2,0],[-2,2,0],[0,4,0],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0]]                  ! C
        alpha_u( 4)%m = [[3,1,1],[-2,0,0],[0,8,0],[2,0,0],[2,-2,0],[0,-4,0],[-2,-2,0]]         ! D
        alpha_u( 5)%m = [[5,1,1],[-4,0,0],[0,8,0],[4,0,0],[-4,-4,1],[4,0,0]]                   ! E
        alpha_u( 6)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,4,0],[4,0,0],[-4,0,1],[0,4,0],[4,0,0]]                     ! F
        alpha_u( 7)%m = [[3,5,1],[2,0,0],[0,-2,0],[-2,-2,0],[-2,2,0],[0,4,0],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0]] ! G
        alpha_u( 8)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[0,-4,1],[4,0,0],[0,4,1],[0,-8,0]]                    ! H
        alpha_u( 9)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[-2,0,1],[0,8,0],[-2,0,1],[4,0,0]]                    ! I
        alpha_u(10)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,2,0],[0,-2,1],[3,0,0],[0,8,0],[-2,0,1],[4,0,0]]            ! J
        alpha_u(11)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[4,0,1],[-4,-4,0],[4,-4,0]]                           ! K
        alpha_u(12)%m = [[5,1,1],[-4,0,0],[0,8,0]]                                             ! L
        alpha_u(13)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[2,-8,0],[2,8,0],[0,-8,0]]                            ! M
        alpha_u(14)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[4,-8,0],[0,8,0]]                                     ! N
        alpha_u(15)%m = [[3,1,1],[-2,2,0],[0,4,0],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0],[0,-4,0],[-2,-2,0]]         ! O
        alpha_u(16)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[2,0,0],[2,-2,0],[-2,-2,0],[-2,0,0]]                  ! P
        alpha_u(17)%m = [[3,1,1],[-2,2,0],[0,4,0],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0],[0,-4,0],[-2,-2,0],[3,0,1],[-3,3,0]] ! Q
        alpha_u(18)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,8,0],[2,0,0],[2,-2,0],[-2,-2,0],[-2,0,0],[2,0,1],[2,-4,0]] ! R
        alpha_u(19)%m = [[1,3,1],[2,-2,0],[2,2,0],[-4,4,0],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0]]  ! S
        alpha_u(20)%m = [[3,1,1],[0,8,0],[-2,0,0],[4,0,0],[-2,0,0]]                            ! T
        alpha_u(21)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,8,0],[0,-8,0],[-4,8,1],[0,-8,0]]                   ! U
        alpha_u(22)%m = [[3,1,1],[-2,8,0],[2,-8,0],[2,8,0],[-2,-8,0]]                          ! V
        alpha_u(23)%m = [[2,1,1],[-1,8,0],[1,-8,0],[1,8,0],[1,-8,0],[1,8,0],[-1,-8,0]]         ! W
        alpha_u(24)%m = [[1,1,1],[4,8,0],[-4,-8,0],[0,8,1],[4,-8,0],[-4,8,0]]                  ! X
        alpha_u(25)%m = [[3,1,1],[0,4,0],[-2,4,0],[2,-4,0],[2,4,0],[-2,-4,0]]                  ! Y
        alpha_u(26)%m = [[5,1,1],[-4,0,0],[4,8,0],[-4,0,0],[4,0,0]]                            ! Z
        alpha_l( 1)%m = [[4,3,1],[-3,0,0],[0,-2,0],[4,0,0],[-1,0,1],[0,4,0],[-3,0,0]]          ! a
        alpha_l( 2)%m = [[1,9,1],[0,-8,0],[4,0,0],[0,4,0],[-4,0,0]]                            ! b
        alpha_l( 3)%m = [[5,2,1],[0,-1,0],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0],[0,-1,0]]                   ! c
        alpha_l( 4)%m = [[5,9,1],[0,-8,0],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0]]                            ! d
        alpha_l( 5)%m = [[5,1,1],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0],[4,0,0],[0,-2,0],[-4,0,0]]                   ! e 
        alpha_l( 6)%m = [[5,7,1],[0,2,0],[-2,0,0],[0,-8,0],[-2,4,1],[4,0,0]]                   ! f 
        alpha_l( 7)%m = [[5,1,1],[-3,0,0],[0,4,0],[3,0,0],[0,-8,0],[-3,0,0],[0,2,0]]           ! g
        alpha_l( 8)%m = [[2,9,1],[0,-8,0],[3,0,1],[0,4,0],[-3,0,0]]                            ! h
        alpha_l( 9)%m = [[3,9,1],[0,-2,0],[0,-2,1],[0,-4,0]]                                   ! i
        alpha_l(10)%m = [[3,9,1],[0,-2,0],[0,-2,1],[0,-8,0],[-2,0,0],[0,2,0]]                  ! j
        alpha_l(11)%m = [[2,9,1],[0,-8,0],[3,5,1],[-3,-3,0],[1,1,1],[2,-3,0]]                  ! k 
        alpha_l(12)%m = [[1,9,1],[2,0,0],[0,-8,0],[-2,0,1],[4,0,0]]                            ! l
        alpha_l(13)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,5,0],[0,-1,1],[4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[-2,0,1],[0,4,0]]           ! m
        alpha_l(14)%m = [[1,1,1],[0,4,0],[0,-1,1],[1,1,0],[2,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-3,0]]           ! n 
        alpha_l(15)%m = [[1,5,1],[4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[-4,0,0],[0,4,0]]                            ! o
        alpha_l(16)%m = [[1,-3,1],[0,8,0],[4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[-4,0,0]]                           ! p
        alpha_l(17)%m = [[5,-3,1],[0,8,0],[-4,0,0],[0,-4,0],[4,0,0]]                           ! q
        alpha_l(18)%m = [[1,5,1],[0,-4,0],[0,2,1],[2,2,0],[2,-2,0]]                            ! r
        alpha_l(19)%m = [[5,5,1],[0,0,0],[-4,0,0],[0,-2,0],[4,0,0],[0,-2,0],[-4,0,0],[0,0,0]]  ! s
        alpha_l(20)%m = [[0,5,1],[5,0,0],[-3,2,1],[0,-6,0],[3,0,0],[-5,0,1]]                   ! t
        alpha_l(21)%m = [[1,4,1],[1,1,0],[0,-4,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,3,1],[0,-4,0]]            ! u
        alpha_l(22)%m = [[1,5,1],[2,-4,0],[2,4,0]]                                             ! v
        alpha_l(23)%m = [[0,5,1],[1,-4,0],[2,4,0],[2,-4,0],[1,4,0]]                            ! w
        alpha_l(24)%m = [[1,5,1],[4,-4,0],[0,4,1],[-4,-4,0]]                                   ! x
        alpha_l(25)%m = [[1,5,1],[2,-4,0],[2,4,1],[-4,-8,0]]                                   ! y
        alpha_l(26)%m = [[1,5,1],[4,0,0],[-4,-4,0],[4,0,0],[-1,2,1]]                           ! z
        greek_u( 1)%m = [[0,0,1],[3,8,0],[3,-8,0],[-1,3,1],[-4,0,0]]                           ! ALPHA    
        greek_u( 2)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,8,0],[3,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[-3,0,1],[4,0,0], &
                         [1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[-4,0,0]]                                 ! BETA
        greek_u( 3)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,8,0],[5,0,0],[0,-1,0]]                                     ! GAMMA
        greek_u( 4)%m = [[0,0,1],[3,8,0],[3,-8,0],[-6,0,0]]                                    ! DELTA
        greek_u( 5)%m = [[6,0,1],[-5,0,0],[0,8,0],[5,0,0],[-5,-4,1],[4,0,0]]                   ! EPSILON
        greek_u( 6)%m = [[6,0,1],[-5,0,0],[5,8,0],[-5,0,0]]                                    ! ZETA
        greek_u( 7)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,8,0],[5,0,1],[0,-8,0],[0,4,1],[-5,0,0]]                    ! ETA
        greek_u( 8)%m = [[3,8,1],[-2,-2,0],[0,-4,0],[2,-2,0],[2,0,0],[2,2,0],[0,4,0],[-2,2,0],[-2,0,0], &
                         [0,-2,1],[0,-4,0],[2,0,1],[0,4,0],[0,-2,1],[-2,0,0]]                  ! THETA
        greek_u( 9)%m = [[1,8,1],[4,0,0],[0,-8,1],[-4,0,0],[2,0,1],[0,8,0]]                    ! IOTA
        greek_u(10)%m = [[1,8,1],[0,-8,0],[0,4,1],[4,4,0],[0,-8,1],[-4,4,0]]                   ! KAPPA
        greek_u(11)%m = [[0,0,1],[3,8,0],[3,-8,0]]                                             ! LAMBDA
        greek_u(12)%m = [[0,0,1],[0,8,0],[3,-8,0],[3,8,0],[0,-8,0]]                            ! MU
        greek_u(13)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,8,0],[4,-8,0],[0,8,0]]                                     ! NU
        greek_u(14)%m = [[0,7,1],[0,1,0],[6,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,-6,1],[0,-1,0],[-6,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,4,1], &
                         [0,-2,0],[0,1,1],[4,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,-2,0]]                            ! XI
        greek_u(15)%m = [[2,8,1],[-2,-2,0],[0,-4,0],[2,-2,0],[2,0,0],[2,2,0],[0,4,0],[-2,2,0],[-2,0,0]] ! OMICRON
        greek_u(16)%m = [[0,8,1],[6,0,0],[-5,0,1],[0,-8,0],[4,0,1],[0,8,0]]                    ! PI
        greek_u(17)%m = [[1,0,1],[0,8,0],[4,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[-4,0,0]]         ! RHO
        greek_u(18)%m = [[6,8,1],[-6,0,0],[4,-4,0],[-4,-4,0],[6,0,0]]                          ! SIGMA
        greek_u(19)%m = [[0,8,1],[6,0,0],[-3,0,1],[0,-8,0]]                                    ! TAU
        greek_u(20)%m = [[0,8,1],[3,-3,0],[3,3,0],[-3,-3,1],[0,-5,0]]                          ! UPSILON 
        greek_u(21)%m = [[3,7,1],[-2,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[2,-1,0],[2,1,0], &
                         [1,1,0],[0,2,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,1,0],[0,2,1],[0,-9,0]]                   ! PHI 
        greek_u(22)%m = [[3,7,1],[-2,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[2,-1,0],[2,1,0], &
                         [1,1,0],[0,2,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,1,0],[0,2,1],[0,-9,0]]                   ! VARPHI 
        greek_u(23)%m = [[1,8,1],[4,-8,0],[0,8,1],[-4,-8,0]]                                   ! CHI/XI
        greek_u(24)%m = [[0,8,1],[0,-3,0],[2,-2,0],[2,0,0],[2,2,0],[0,3,0],[-3,0,1],[0,-8,0]]  ! PSI
        greek_u(25)%m = [[0,1,1],[0,-1,0],[2,0,0],[0,2,0],[-2,2,0],[0,2,0],[2,2,0],[2,0,0], &
                         [2,-2,0],[0,-2,0],[-2,-2,0],[0,-2,0],[2,0,0],[0,1,0]]                 ! OMEGA
        greek_u(26)%m = [[0,0,1]]                                                              !
        greek_l( 1)%m = [[5,7,1],[-2,-6,0],[-2,0,0],[-1,2,0],[1,3,0],[0,0,0],[2,0,0],[2,-5,0]] ! alpha
        greek_l( 2)%m = [[1,0,1],[2,8,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[-2,0,0], &
                         [2,0,1],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0],[-2,0,0],[-2,1,0]]                ! beta
        greek_l( 3)%m = [[0,5,1],[1,1,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[-2,-4,0],[2,4,1],[2,1,0]]           ! gamma
        greek_l( 4)%m = [[5,7,1],[-2,1,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[2,-2,0],[0,-2,0],[-1,-1,0], & 
                         [-1,0,0],[-1,1,0],[0,1,0],[2,2,0]]                                    ! delta
        greek_l( 5)%m = [[5,6,1],[-1,1,0],[-1,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[1,0,1], &
                         [-2,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0]]                 ! epsilon
        greek_l( 6)%m = [[1,8,1],[1,-1,0],[1,0,0],[2,1,0],[-2,-1,0],[-1,-3,0],[0,-2,0], &
                         [1,-1,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[-2,0,0]]                         ! zeta
        greek_l( 7)%m = [[0,6,1],[1,1,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-4,0],[1,4,1],[1,1,0],[1,0,0], &
                         [1,-1,0],[-2,-6,0],[0,-1,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0]]                          ! eta
        greek_l( 8)%m = [[5,8,1],[-2,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[-2,-6,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0], &
                         [2,6,0],[-1,1,0],[0,-4,1],[-4,0,0]]                                   ! theta
        greek_l( 9)%m = [[3,6,1],[0,-2,0],[-1,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[1,1,0]]                          ! iota
        greek_l(10)%m = [[2,5,1],[-2,-4,0],[1,2,1],[2,0,0],[2,2,0],[-2,-2,1],[0,-1,0],[1,-1,0]]! kappa
        greek_l(11)%m = [[1,7,1],[1,0,0],[1,-2,0],[2,-4,0],[-2,4,1],[-1,-3,0],[-1,-1,0]]       ! lambda 
        greek_l(12)%m = [[0,-1,1],[2,6,0],[-1,-3,0],[2,-1,0],[2,1,0],[1,3,0],[-1,-3,1],[1,-1,0]]! mu
        greek_l(13)%m = [[2,5,1],[0,-1,0],[-1,-4,0],[2,1,0],[3,3,0]]                           ! nu
        greek_l(14)%m = [[6,9,1],[-1,0,0],[-2,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[-2,0,1],[-2,-2,0], &
                         [3,0,0],[-3,0,1],[-1,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,-1,0],[-1,-1,0],[-3,0,0]]! xi
        greek_l(15)%m = [[1,2,1],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,3,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,0,0],[-1,-3,0],[1,-1,0]] ! omicron
        greek_l(16)%m = [[0,5,1],[1,1,0],[4,0,0],[1,1,0],[-4,-1,1],[0,-3,0],[-1,-2,0], &
                         [3,5,1],[0,-4,0],[1,-1,0]]                                             ! pi
        greek_l(17)%m = [[0,0,1],[1,1,0],[1,2,0],[1,2,0],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],  &
                         [-1,-1,0], [-1,0,0],[-1,1,0]]                                          ! rho
        greek_l(18)%m = [[6,6,1],[-1,-1,0],[-3,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0], &
                         [1,1,0],[0,2,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,0,0]]                                     ! sigma
        greek_l(19)%m = [[1,5,1],[2,1,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[0,-1,0],[-1,-3,0],[1,-1,0],[1,1,0]] ! tau
        greek_l(20)%m = [[2,5,1],[0,-3,0],[1,-1,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,2,0],[-1,1,0]]            ! upsilon
        greek_l(21)%m = [[4,6,1],[-2,0,0],[-1,-1,0],[0,-2,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0], &
                         [0,2,0],[-1,1,0],[0,2,1],[-2,-8,0]]                                    ! phi
        greek_l(22)%m = [[2,6,1],[-1,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[3,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,1,0], &
                         [-1,1,0],[-1,0,0],[-2,-6,0]]                                           ! varphi
        greek_l(23)%m = [[1,7,1],[1,0,0],[1,-1,0],[1,-4,0],[1,-1,0],[1,0,0],[-1,6,1],[-3,-6,0]] ! chi/xi
        greek_l(24)%m = [[1,6,1],[0,-1,0],[0,-1,0],[1,-1,0],[2,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,2,0],[-1,2,1],[-2,-8,0]] ! psi
        greek_l(25)%m = [[2,6,1],[-1,-2,0],[1,-2,0],[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,2,0],[0,-2,1], &
                         [1,-1,0],[1,0,0],[1,2,0],[-1,2,0]]                                     ! omega
        greek_l(26)%m = [[0,0,1]]
        do i = 1, 10
          num     (i)%pen = to_xyp(numb(i)%m)
          alphanum(i)%pen = to_xyp(numb(i)%m)
        end do  
        do i = 1, 28
          mark(i)%pen          = to_xyp(mrk(i)%m)
          alphanum(i + 62)%pen = to_xyp(mrk(i)%m)
        end do    
        do i = 1, 26
          alpha(i)%pen      = to_xyp(alpha_l(i)%m)
          alpha(i + 26)%pen = to_xyp(alpha_u(i)%m)
          greek(i)%pen      = to_xyp(greek_l(i)%m)
          greek(i + 26)%pen = to_xyp(greek_u(i)%m)
          alphanum(i + 10)%pen = to_xyp(alpha_l(i)%m)
          alphanum(i + 36)%pen = to_xyp(alpha_u(i)%m)
        end do
        alphanum(0)%pen = to_xyp([0,0,1]) ! error
      end subroutine font_init

      integer pure elemental function to_alphanum(c)
        character, intent(in) :: c
        character(len=*), parameter :: tab = '0123456789'// &
                            'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'// &
                            '.,%*/+--=~(){}[]''"^\!?@:;<> '
        to_alphanum = index(tab, c)
      end function to_alphanum
      integer pure elemental function to_greek(c)
        character, intent(in) :: c
        character(len=*), parameter :: tab = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
        to_greek = index(tab, c)
      end function to_greek
    end module m_font 
Module m_plot

実数座標系用ルーチンを加えています。 window サブルーチンで整数座標系の隅っこの座標を与えます。

    module m_plot
      use m_lowlevel
      use m_font
      implicit none
      real, parameter, private :: pi = 4 * atan(1.0)
      type :: t_fig
        class (t_device), allocatable :: fig
        real :: x0 = 0.0, y0 = 0.0, x1 = 1.0, y1 = 1.0
        generic   :: move => move_i, move_r
        generic   :: line => line_i, line_r
        generic   :: text => text_i, text_r
        procedure :: on
        procedure :: off
        procedure :: show
        procedure :: pen
        procedure :: move_i
        procedure :: line_i
        procedure :: window
        procedure :: move_r
        procedure :: line_r
        procedure :: font => font_sub 
        procedure :: text_i
        procedure :: text_r
      end type t_fig    
      subroutine on(self, device)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out) :: self
        class (t_device), intent(in), optional :: device
        if (present(device)) allocate(self%fig, source = device)
        if (.not. allocated(self%fig)) allocate(self%fig, source = t_win32())
        call self%fig%on()
        call font_init()
      end subroutine on 
      subroutine off(self, isec, keep)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out):: self
        integer, intent(in), optional :: isec
        logical, intent(in), optional :: keep 
        call self%fig%off(isec)
        if (present(keep)) then ; if (keep) return ; end if
      end subroutine off 
      subroutine show(self)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        call self%fig%show()
      end subroutine show
      subroutine pen(self, iwidth, icolor)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out) :: self
        integer, intent(in), optional :: iwidth, icolor
        integer, save :: kwidth = 1, kcolor = 0
        if (present(iwidth)) kwidth = iwidth
        if (present(icolor)) kcolor = icolor
        call self%fig%pen(kwidth, kcolor)
      end subroutine pen 
      subroutine move_i(self, ix, iy)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out) :: self
        integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
        call self%fig%move(ix, iy)
      end subroutine move_i 
      subroutine line_i(self, ix, iy)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out) :: self
        integer, intent(in) :: ix, iy
        call self%fig%line(ix, iy)
      end subroutine line_i 
      subroutine window(self, x0, y0, x1, y1)
        class (t_fig), intent(in out) :: self
        real, intent(in) :: x0, y0, x1, y1
        self%x0 = x0
        self%y0 = y0
        self%x1 = x1
        self%y1 = y1
      end subroutine window
      integer pure function ix_pos(self, x)
        type (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        real, intent(in) :: x
        ix_pos = nint( (x - self%x0) / (self%x1 - self%x0) * self%fig%nsize_x )
      end function ix_pos  
      integer pure function iy_pos(self, y)
        type (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        real, intent(in) :: y
        iy_pos = self%fig%nsize_y - nint( (y - self%y0) / (self%y1 - self%y0) * self%fig%nsize_y )
      end function iy_pos  
      subroutine move_r(self, x, y)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        real, intent(in) :: x, y
        call self%fig%move(ix_pos(self, x), iy_pos(self, y))
      end subroutine move_r

      subroutine line_r(self, x, y)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        real, intent(in) :: x, y
        call self%fig%line(ix_pos(self, x), iy_pos(self, y))
      end subroutine line_r
      subroutine font_sub(self, ix, iy, font, scale, angle)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self
        integer, value :: ix, iy
        type (t_font), intent(in) :: font 
        real, intent(in) :: scale, angle 
        integer :: i, ix0, iy0
        real :: dx, dy, c, s
        s = sin(angle * pi / 180.0)
        c = cos(angle * pi / 180.0)
        do i = 1, size(font%pen)
          ix0 = ix
          iy0 = iy
          dx = font%pen(i)%ix * scale
          dy = font%pen(i)%iy * scale
          ix = ix + nint(dx * c - dy * s)
          iy = iy - nint(dx * s + dy * c)
          if ( font%pen(i)%ipen == 1 ) then ! pen up
            call self%fig%move(ix, iy)
          else ! pen down
            call self%fig%line(ix, iy)
            call self%fig%line(ix0, iy0) ! these lines are requird for win32 
            call self%fig%move(ix , iy ) ! win32 does not plot the end point ! [x0, x1)
          end if
        end do
      end subroutine font_sub
      subroutine text_i(self, ix, iy, text, scale, angle, adjust)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self 
        integer, value :: ix, iy
        character (len = *), intent(in) :: text
        real, intent(in), optional :: scale, angle
        character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: adjust
        real :: rscale = 1.0, rangle = 0.0
        integer :: len_wo_bksl
        if (present(scale)) rscale = scale
        if (present(angle)) rangle = angle
        select case (trim(adjust))
            len_wo_bksl = len_trim(text) - 2 * count(transfer(trim(text), ' ', len_trim(text)) == '\') ! miscounts \\ !
            ix = ix - nint(nsize_font_x * rscale * cos(rangle * pi / 180.0) * 1.0 / 2.5) * len_wo_bksl
            iy = iy + nint(nsize_font_x * rscale * sin(rangle * pi / 180.0) * 1.0 / 2.5) * len_wo_bksl
            len_wo_bksl = len_trim(adjustl(text)) - 2 * count(transfer(trim(text), ' ', len_trim(text)) == '\') ! miscounts \\ !
            ix = ix - nint(nsize_font_x * rscale * cos(rangle * pi / 180.0) * 0.8) * len_wo_bksl    
            iy = iy + nint(nsize_font_x * rscale * sin(rangle * pi / 180.0) * 0.8) * len_wo_bksl
        end select  
        call text_sub(self, ix, iy, text, rscale, rangle)
      end subroutine text_i

      subroutine text_r(self, x, y, text, scale, angle, adjust)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self 
        real, intent(in) :: x, y
        character (len = *), intent(in) :: text
        real, intent(in), optional :: scale, angle
        character (len = *), intent(in), optional :: adjust
        integer :: ix, iy
        ix = ix_pos(self, x)
        iy = iy_pos(self, y)
        call text_i(self, ix, iy, text, scale, angle, adjust)
      end subroutine text_r
      subroutine text_sub(self, ix, iy, text, scale, angle)
        class (t_fig), intent(in) :: self 
        integer, value :: ix, iy
        character (len = *), intent(in) :: text
        real, intent(in) :: scale, angle
        real :: dx, dy, ex, ey, d(2), e(2)
        integer :: i, kx, ky
        d = nsize_font_x * scale * rotate(-angle, [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]) * 0.8 ! spacing
        dx = d(1)
        dy = d(2)
        e = nsize_font_y * scale * rotate(-angle, [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0])
        ex = e(1)
        ey = e(2)
        i = 1
          if (i > len_trim(text)) exit
          select case (text(i:i))
            case (' ')  
              ix = ix + nint(dx * 0.5)
              iy = iy + nint(dy * 0.5)
            case ('\')
              i = i + 1
              if (scan(text(i:i), 'Gg') /= 0) then ! greek letter
                i = i + 1
                call self%font(ix, iy, greek(to_greek(text(i:i))), scale, angle)
                ix = ix + nint(dx * 1.3)
                iy = iy + nint(dy * 1.3)
              else if (text(i:i) == ' ') then ! subscript
                ix = ix - nint(dx * 0.5)
                iy = iy - nint(dy * 0.5) 
              else if (text(i:i) == '_') then ! subscript
                i = i + 1
                kx = nint(ex * 0.25)
                ky = nint(ey * 0.25) 
                if (text(i:i) == '\') then
                  if(scan(text(i+1:i+1), 'Gg') /= 0) then 
                    i = i + 2
                    call self%font(ix + kx, iy + ky,    greek(to_greek(text(i:i)))   , scale * 0.5, angle)
                  end if 
                  call self%font(ix + kx, iy + ky, alphanum(to_alphanum(text(i:i))), scale * 0.5, angle)
                end if
                ix = ix + nint(dx * 0.5)
                iy = iy + nint(dy * 0.5)
              else if (text(i:i) == '^') then ! super script  
                i = i + 1
                kx = nint(ex * 0.7)
                ky = nint(ey * 0.7) 
                if (text(i:i) == '\') then
                  if(scan(text(i+1:i+1), 'Gg') /= 0) then 
                    i = i + 2
                    call self%font(ix - kx, iy - ky,    greek(to_greek(text(i:i)))   , scale * 0.5, angle)
                   end if  
                  call self%font(ix - kx, iy - ky, alphanum(to_alphanum(text(i:i))), scale * 0.5, angle)
                end if
                ix = ix + nint(dx * 0.5)
                iy = iy + nint(dy * 0.5)
              else if (text(i:i) == '\') then ! super script  
                call self%font(ix, iy, alphanum(to_alphanum(text(i:i))), scale * 0.7, angle)
                ix = ix + dx
                iy = iy + dy
              else if (text(i:i) == 'h') then ! hbar  
                kx = nint(ex * 0.2 - dx * 0.15)
                ky = nint(ey * 0.2 + dy * 0.15)
                call self%font(ix, iy, alphanum(to_alphanum(text(i:i))), scale, angle)
                call self%font(ix + kx, iy + ky, alphanum(to_alphanum('-')), scale, angle)
                ix = ix + dx
                iy = iy + dy
                ix = ix + nint(dx * 0.5)
                iy = iy + nint(dy * 0.5)
                !print *, 'error!'  
              end if    
            case default
              call self%font(ix, iy, alphanum(to_alphanum(text(i:i))), scale, angle)
              ix = ix + dx
              iy = iy + dy
          end select  
          i = i + 1  
        end do
      end subroutine text_sub
     function rotate(angle, pos, center) result(res)
        real, intent(in) :: angle, pos(2), center(2)
        real :: res(2)
        real, parameter  :: rad = pi / 180.0  ! degree to radian
        real :: rm(2, 2) 
        rm = reshape([[cos(angle * rad), sin(angle * rad)], [-sin(angle * rad), cos(angle * rad)]], [2, 2])
        res = matmul(rm, pos - center) +  center
      end function rotate
    end module m_plot