
fortran について書きます。

Fortran 2015 の最新草稿

英 NAG がホストしている Fortran Standards のサイトのニュースによると Fortran 2015 の草稿が改定されたようです。また規格採用までのスケジュール案も出されたようです。
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 (Fortran)


文書 N2106 

                                        ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N2106

                         Strategic plans for WG5
                         John Reid, 10 June 2016

1. Interpretations

Processing of interpretations will continue but no further corrigenda 
for ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 (Fortran 2008) will be constructed. The number 
of corrigenda for Fortran 2015 will be limited to two. 

2. Revision of ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 (Fortran 2015)

   Working draft for WG5 review                      2016-06    J3/WG5
   WG5 straw ballot                                  2016-07
   New Work Item proposed to SC22                    2016-08 
   New Work Item ballot initiated (if needed)        2016-09
   First draft of CD determined                      2016-10    J3
   New Work Item ballot result available (if needed) 2016-12
   CD determined                                     2017-02    J3
   CD ballot initiated                               2017-03
   CD ballot comments available                      2017-05
   Draft DIS determined                              2017-06    J3/WG5
   Edits for DIS determined                          2017-10    J3
   DIS ballot initiated                              2017-11    J3
   DIS ballot results available                      2018-02
   FDIS determined                                   2018-02    J3
   FDIS ballot initiated                             2018-04
   FDIS ballot results available                     2018-06
   Standard published                                2018-07

3. Further revision

   Start planning further revision                   2017-06    J3/WG5
   Choose issues that need attention                 2018-06    J3/WG5
   Preliminary choice of technical content           2019-06    J3/WG5
   Final choice of technical content                 2020-06    J3/WG5