
fortran について書きます。



\pm f\times\beta^m
f は仮数部、β進表現で

Computer \beta t L U \epsilon_M=\beta^{1-t}
IEEE754(single) 2 23 -126 127 1.19\times10^{-7}
IEEE754(double) 2 52 -1022 1023 2.22\times10^{-16}
IEEE754(quadruple) 2 112 -16382 16383 1.93\times10^{-34}
Computer \beta t L U
NEC SX(float0);IEEE 2 52 -1022 1023
NEC SX(float1);IBM 2 56 -64 63
NEC SX(float2);CRAY 2 48 -16384 16383

(from SENAC Vol.30-4,1997)

Computer \beta t L U \epsilon_M=\beta^{1-t}
Univac 1108 2 27 -128 127 1.49\times10^{-8}
Honeywell 6000 2 27 -128 127 1.49\times10^{-8}
PDP-11 2 24 -128 127 1.19\times10^{-7}
Control Data 6600 2 48 -976 1070 7.11\times10^{-15}
Cray-1 2 48 -16384 8191 7.11\times10^{-15}
Illiac-IV 2 48 -16384 16383 7.11\times10^{-15}
Stun(Russian) 3 18 ? ? 7.74\times10^{-9}
Burroughs B5500 8 13 -51 77 1.46\times10^{-11}
Hewlett Packard HP-45 10 10 -98 100 1.00\times10^{-9}
Texas Instruments SR-5x 10 12 -98 100 1.00\times10^{-11}
IBM360 and 370 16 6 -64 63 9.54\times10^{-7}
IBM360 and 370 16 14 -64 63 2.22\times10^{-16}
Telefunken TR440 16 9{1\over2} -127 127 5.84\times10^{-11}
Maniac II 65536 2{11\over16} -7 7 7.25\times10^{-9}

(from G.E.Forsythe, M.A.Malcolm and C.B.Moler, Computer methods for mathematical computations, 1977)

Intel Fortran (IEEE754) x=s\times b^e\times\sum_{k=1}^pf_k\times b^{-k}

Computer \beta p e_{\rm min} e_{\rm max}
real(4) 2 24 -125 128
real(8) 2 53 -1021 1024
real(16) 2 113 -16381 16384

(from Intel Fortran User Reference Guide)


    program Console5
      implicit none
      integer, parameter :: ks = 4, kd = 8, kq = 16
      real(ks) :: s
      real(kd) :: d
      real(kq) :: q
      print *, 'Radix        b', radix(s)
      print *, 'Digits       t', digits(s)
      print *, 'Min Exponent L', minexponent(s)
      print *, 'Max Exponent U', maxexponent(s)
      print *, 'Epsilon       ', epsilon(s)
      print *
      print *, 'Radix        b', radix(d)
      print *, 'Digits       t', digits(d)
      print *, 'Min Exponent L', minexponent(d)
      print *, 'Max Exponent U', maxexponent(d)
      print *, 'Epsilon       ', epsilon(d)
      print *
      print *, 'Radix        b', radix(q)
      print *, 'Digits       t', digits(q)
      print *, 'Min Exponent L', minexponent(q)
      print *, 'Max Exponent U', maxexponent(q)
      print *, 'Epsilon       ', epsilon(q)
    end program Console5



Radix b 2
Digits t 24
Min Exponent L -125
Max Exponent U 128
Epsilon 1.1920929E-07

Radix b 2
Digits t 53
Min Exponent L -1021
Max Exponent U 1024
Epsilon 2.220446049250313E-016

Radix b 2
Digits t 113
Min Exponent L -16381
Max Exponent U 16384
Epsilon 1.925929944387235853055977942584927E-0034
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